CSR8675 programming guide w software and tons of CSR info

I'm still trying to obtain access to appropriate versions of MDE and ADK from Qualcomm...
Good luck with that. They are really user-unfriendly. Apparently, only companies can have all the good stuff. You probably won't even get a response from them unless you have email on your own server (at least, custom domain is required). Still worth trying tho (if they'll finally give you access, PM me. They still have some things I don't yet have access to), would be easier to download everything here
I've had multiple BTM331s fail to boot after several days of use, despite clean soldering and a well regulated 3v3 supply.
Well, you should definitely try building firmware. Debugger will at least show you what's wrong.
Hello, is it possible to configure my two QCC3031 modules to function as earbuds?
One module will be on the right channel, the other on the left,
This is possible. Use earbud firmware in ADK 6.4
and if one of them is turned off, the other will play music in mono channel mode.
This is probably possible as well, but it may be required to modify firmware.
This is probably possible as well, but it may be required to modify firmware.
how exactly can I do that do have any examples or the firmware that already has this feature
This is possible. Use earbud firmware in ADK 6.4
you mean this feauture here or i have to use other firmware to flash my module
how exactly can I do that do have any examples or the firmware that already has this feature
No, I don't have any examples. Try using stock one and check what it is capable of.
you mean this feauture here or i have to use other firmware to flash my module
You'll have to build firmware from sources or find it somewhere.
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I have a problem with ADK Config Tool, when I try to select a device from the dropdown on the top after a while I get following error:


But xIDE and PSTool work fine, i mean those can connect to my CSR8675 chip.

Is this a common error or does this need more investigation?

I'm using ADK 4.4 and a development board with PWR connected to 1.8v, GND and SPI is connected via the development board.
QCC5121 question:

Does anyone have the source code for ADK_Toolkit.WIN. sink/headset application? I found one for earbud, but I am wondering if a sink/headset version is available. I am asking about source code for the ADK Toolkit for QCC5121, and not about ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4.
Hello everyone!
I'm new to bluetooth and CSR chips, so I would better ask for good advice :)

I'm going to make a device that will be:
- receive audio from android and output it to AUX input of a car audio
- receive track names and output it to CAN bus of a car
- look on steering wheel keys (just an ADC channel, resistive matrix) and do some action (start/stop/next/prev)

Now I can see two approaches to do this:
1. write custom firmware for CSR chip
2. use existing firmware for CSR chip and add another MCU (STM32 for example) for doing the rest

So.. I have a questions:
1. can CSR chip do all this things (ADC/CAN/custom task inside)?
2. if yes, which chip is better to use (sound quality should be very good, of course)?
3. if no, which chip can be used with MCU (any of UART/I2C/SPI, stop/start/next/prev commands, query for a song name)?
4. if no such chip existing, maybe I can found ready to use custom firmware somewhere which can query song name?

Thank you in advance!
QCC5121 question:

I installed ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 for QCC5121 from Qualcomm's ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 Installer_6.4.2.26.zip installer and I have the required MDE installations as well. My computer is Windows 10 64-bit. It turns out the ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 is 32 bit (x86 platform, as it calls itself). I can build and download firmware into the QCC5121 board using this version of the software, but it is impossible to debug source code (unless I get a 32 bit version of Windows). Does anyone know if a 64-bit version of ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 software is available? I know ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 is an old version and all future firmware build software for QCC chips comes as ADK Toolkit installs instead (which are most 64-bit as far as I understand), but I am wondering if a 64-bit version of ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 was also released at some point.

Is a 64-bit version of ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 available? Or is it impossible to debug QCC5121 programs using ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 in a 32-bit Windows computer? I hope somebody can shed some light into this.
1. can CSR chip do all this things (ADC/CAN/custom task inside)?
Not sure about CAN, probably it is doable, but you'll need external CAN controller (UART to CAN or something in this kind. SPI is also available, but UART would be easier to develop). You can extract song name as well via AVRCP, but don't ask me how.
2. if yes, which chip is better to use (sound quality should be very good, of course)?
QCC5144 or QCC5171 for future-proofing with LE Audio. They're almost the same price. You'll have to write your custom firmware (well, actually just implement features which you want and which are not available in stock one)
3. if no, which chip can be used with MCU (any of UART/I2C/SPI, stop/start/next/prev commands, query for a song name)?
QCC5144 or QCC5171 as well could be used in UART mode, but you'll have to write code for that. There's also commercially available QCC5125 module from Feasycom with UART commands. QCC5171 is much better than QCC5125, so I strongly suggest using it.
4. if no such chip existing, maybe I can found ready to use custom firmware somewhere which can query song name?
Look at FSC-BT1026E and search it datasheet with UART command description.
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QCC5121 question:

Does anyone have the source code for ADK_Toolkit.WIN. sink/headset application?
I tried porting QCC5144 project to QCC5125 (5121 should be basically the same), but it appears not to work (even though it compiles just fine). I put all my work in private GitHub repo, so if want to get access for debugging write me PM. Problem is that it apparently breaks very early and TRBI200 might be necessary to debug. I can't even to connect it to see logs. Also had to use few python files from older ADK 1.1 and paste them into 1.2 because qcc512x support was removed somewhere between these two versions. Maybe if I'd just use ADK 1.1 it would work fine, will check later.
I tried porting QCC5144 project to QCC5125 (5121 should be basically the same), but it appears not to work (even though it compiles just fine). I put all my work in private GitHub repo, so if want to get access for debugging write me PM. Problem is that it apparently breaks very early and TRBI200 might be necessary to debug. I can't even to connect it to see logs. Also had to use few python files from older ADK 1.1 and paste them into 1.2 because qcc512x support was removed somewhere between these two versions. Maybe if I'd just use ADK 1.1 it would work fine, will check later.
Thank you very much. I took your advice and used MDE 2.3 with ADK_QCC512x.WIN.6.4 and it looks like there is no debug limitation in this one. I will be able to verify if debugging works or not by the weekend and if it doesn't I will ask you for the github link. I have a TRBI so it shouldn't be a problem. Thanks a lot.
I tried porting QCC5144 project to QCC5125 (5121 should be basically the same), but it appears not to work (even though it compiles just fine). I put all my work in private GitHub repo, so if want to get access for debugging write me PM. Problem is that it apparently breaks very early and TRBI200 might be necessary to debug. I can't even to connect it to see logs. Also had to use few python files from older ADK 1.1 and paste them into 1.2 because qcc512x support was removed somewhere between these two versions. Maybe if I'd just use ADK 1.1 it would work fine, will check later.
I am having trouble getting the debugger to work (still looking into what the problem is) would you mind sharing the github link you talked about please, if it is possible?
How to do resampling on this board so that output is always 24bt 96khz over i2s?
On which board?
On QCC514x+ you will need to rebuild firmware, QCC512x is probably the same (or maybe look into ADK Config Tool). Just search for I2S output related stuff and modify accordingly. AFAIK sample rate is set in htf files while bit depth is in C code. On QCC3xxx it's going to be the same as on corresponding QCC5 board. In older CSR8 chips it's probably done using ADK Config Tool, but maybe firmware modification is necessary as well. I haven't worked with them, so don't know exactly.
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On which board?
On QCC514x+ you will need to rebuild firmware, QCC512x is probably the same (or maybe look into ADK Config Tool). Just search for I2S output related stuff and modify accordingly. AFAIK sample rate is set in htf files while bit depth is in C code. On QCC3xxx it's going to be the same as on corresponding QCC5 board. In older CSR8 chips it's probably done using ADK Config Tool, but maybe firmware modification is necessary as well. I haven't worked with them, so don't know exactly.
Thanks for info. What u mean by 'htf' files? Where are they located? Or u mean .h files?
I am using CS8675, I been looking in PS Tools, and seems there is nothing interesting

So I tried to run ADK config tool, but didnt work.

Do I need to use older version? Or flash 'compatible' firmware to use?
(Or just add product ID in PS Tools - there was no value when I checked?)

I also found pdf document from that big leaked leaked package on how to set I2s Master and Slave modes, it directed me to those files:

and when I open .H file


music resampling?
voice resampling?



Also is there a straight guide on how to compile, flash, connect to ADK for csr8675?