DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

My only hope is that the increased interest in obsolete AD1862 will not push its price as high as it was with the PCM1704

There are 60,000+ 1862s at Rochester, 20,000+ 1860s, 40,000+1861s.
I don't think there will shortage for DIY.

PCMs are a bit more difficult.
Still some PCM56Js left at very good price.
Funny is that PCM56L has the worst spec but the highest price.

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AD1862 sounds nicer for me in comparison with the PCM1704 on the same setup (NOS, the same PSU, I/V and USB-I2S, same components). It's hard to say at first glance why, it is noticeable with longer listening :unsure:
With AD1862 I can listen for hours and hours without fatigue.
With PCM1704 I had to take a break after a few hours.
I have made this comparison several times randomly.
PCM1704 is not bad at all, it is perfect but not for that price.
Very much can change with digital filter. Long-term listening without fatigue is crucial for me and I have not yet found a digital filter that I would be happy with in this regard 😁 I think less disruptive (although not as effective) will be a post filter on the output :)
Which of these dac has a more resolution and details? Are they warm sounding or neutral?
I was listening a ES9018 recently and the sound was a cold generally (cool)!
sworder, resolution in real life has more to see with the power curve of your loudspeakers in your room, also your amp, cable chain than just the dac chip itself !

A 16/44 pcm dac chip is quite enough if what is around is good enough. If "resolution" as a single quality is your goal then a 100bucks Topping dac might suffice for you. While I can advice Miro's dac, hard to beat for the price and it hits more qualities than the standalone transparency you're looking for.

Boba FET :ROFLMAO:, audio mafioso and mercenary (ask Miro )
Yes, that's right. I have also a Denon 3910 and he can read a SACD which sounds a better than cd.

sworder, resolution in real life has more to see with the power curve of your loudspeakers in your room, also your amp, cable chain than just the dac chip itself !

A 16/44 pcm dac chip is quite enough if what is around is good enough. If "resolution" as a single quality is your goal then a 100bucks Topping dac might suffice for you. While I can advice Miro's dac, hard to beat for the price and it hits more qualities than the standalone transparency you're looking for.

Boba FET :ROFLMAO:, audio mafioso and mercenary (ask Miro )
Which of these dac has a more resolution and details? Are they warm sounding or neutral?
I was listening a ES9018 recently and the sound was a cold generally (cool)!
PCM1704 is slightly more analytical
AD1862 is more pleasant and I find it more dynamic :giggle:
... both are very very good

I recommend you AD1862 because of availability. PCM1704 is almost impossible to get new. Don't trust china sellers for SMD components. It comes from recycled electronic waste (removed by uncontrolled heating - parameters degraded), nice cleaned, packaged and sold as new 😁 Some THT DACs from ebay can be good because they pull it out from sockets without heating.
PCM1704 is slightly more analytical
AD1862 is more pleasant and I find it more dynamic :giggle:
... both are very very good

I recommend you AD1862 because of availability. PCM1704 is almost impossible to get new. Don't trust china sellers for SMD components. It comes from recycled electronic waste (removed by uncontrolled heating - parameters degraded), nice cleaned, packaged and sold as new 😁 Some THT DACs from ebay can be good because they pull it out from sockets without heating.
I already ordered a chips and boards! Want this Dac too!
Thanks for review.
Finally got the Xen i/v stage done - very nice so far. Thanks to Patrick for making it available and to Ripster for matching all those tiny, tiny transistors!
