DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

Joined 2018
Paid Member
I should add more details....I'm thinking if adding a remote relay attenuator I have here to the output of one of my Miro DACs to use it conveniently with my TV. It will then go into a Salas DCG3 set to an arbitrary level...probably about 75percent. And then the wife can alter the volume without too much fuss! So it will go through a pre amp.
tried with another dacs... soundstage always suffers with passive pots... At least in my setups.
I don't use premap since I make my own DACs, the output voltage is never below 4Vp-p and the output resistance is less than 50ohm, after that signal goes to the P&G of 10k and in the output stage, in this case the preamp is simply unnecessary and the whole system plays better without a preamp, and not only for me:)

edit; I think the catch is that I insert a low-impedance output buffer in my DACs and thus avoid another stage to the output stage. However, some amplifiers without preamps do not work well.
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I don't use premap since I make my own DACs, the output voltage is never below 4Vp-p and the output resistance is less than 50ohm, after that signal goes to the P&G of 10k and in the output stage, in this case the preamp is simply unnecessary and the whole system plays better without a preamp, and not only for me:)
The whole reason i've added b1k nutube was to get some more analogue sound to my purifi class d. With this dac i belive that should have that settled, and most likely i will remove it from the chain.