DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

who said mine is bigger opinion than yours ? No one. It seems in what I wrote many share my opinion. Your testimonial was interresting as I said.

All the pleasure is measurable which is a synergy of all what is made technicaally or maybe not (aesthetism and personal are hard to measure and we read ridicullous assertions like : sound is real, my soundstage is made to cope with reality, etc that is more saying about the writer than his technical skill often ? We see always the same things in measurements : noise floor, square waves output. Many dacs pass the tests but still there are big difference in sounding qualities measurements are not representatives. Makes me think of positivism with ASR blog that class the DAC by SINAD numbers putting Topping that sounds so so almost on the top.

Uncontroled measurements with musicians.... good luck, yes my tests are not controlled by a law man with a movie and a magician to control there are no trap !

People drug themselves by literrally flooding the threads with huge measurements that are below what they can hear and when it pass the subjective test it often sounds no so revolutuonnary !

Are your last pcbs for self testing public (your 4 I/V stage and MarcelvdG pcbs, you didn't answer ? Story to share opinions ?!
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