DIY Front End 2022

Joined 2011
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Since the FE 2022 is designed to operate cleanly and correctly with a supply voltage span all the way up to sixty volts (!!), some DIYers will choose to operate it at a supply voltage span significantly greater than 35 volts . . . . which means that conventional IC voltage regulator circuits {without contrived chicanery} won't work.

So one of the first things to do before choosing a DC power supply design, is to decide just exactly what the (raw, unregulated) input voltage to the PSU will be, and what the (smoothed and regulated) output voltage from the PSU will be. If they are larger than, oh let's just say, 33 volts, ... ... then you need something else besides a simplistic regulator chip and a capacitor. If smaller than 33 volts you have considerably more options.
Joined 2010
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^ It's on the list!

I've got a little list — I've got a little list
They'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed!
He's got 'em on the list — he's got 'em on the list;
And they'll none of 'em be missed — they'll none of 'em be missed
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Joined 2010
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BTW, someone did ask me, and when I searched, I came up empty handed.

Is there a kit for the BA22 FE?


BTW, in the very late 80s my wife and I were lucky to get seats front row, middle... for the New D'Oyly Carte performing The Mikado at the Segerstrom Center in Costa Mesa, CA. I mean, middle.... right in front, with the conductor right in front, and below us, in the pit. It was beyond awesome.

My object all sublime
I shall achieve in time
To build a big amp
To build a really big amp
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Old School
Joined 2008
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A question of clarification:

From reading prior comments in this thread, would I be correct to conclude that Nelson's comment in the DYI Front End 2022 article "suggesting that a 50 volt supply is appropriate" contemplates measuring the 50 VDC supply from the Negative power at R10 and the Positive power at R9. This would appear to me to be the case as many of the commentators are using two-pole supplies of from 19 VDC to 24 VDC above/below ground and finding the results satisfactory and within the capability of the JFETs employed.
I find it odd that the BA22 FE kits are with the amps instead of the preamps in the DIYAudio Store.

A preamplifier raises the source level to standard line level, a volt or two.
The power amplifier front end supplies all the voltage gain for the power amp, x10 or more.
The power amp output stage usually has unity or less voltage gain, and only supplies current gain.
So the front end together with the output stage comprise the power amplifier.
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Well I liken it to the BA-1 and BA-3 gain stages. They are similar but are only found with the preamplifier PCBs. So there should be some consistency. Category on the pull down is Preamplifier/Buffer/Gain/Front End it fits in better there than with all the output stages in the Power Amp PCB section, which may be why it may be more difficult to find.
The one and only
Joined 2001
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The choice of how complete a kit to offer is a calculation of the desires of the DIYer. For example, we often see that "essentials" outsell "completion" kits by something like 2:1, the presumption being that a significant portion want to use their own resistors and capacitors.
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