DIY Sony VFET Builders thread

External dimensions were posted some time back by Gianluca from Modushop, but there has been so much traffic in the main thread that the information is difficult to find. It is a relatively small chassis, which has a significant amount of internal space taken by the mounting brackets for the output transistors. I wouldn't recommend planning any interior additions, except possibly for some nice motor run capacitors (much loved by Zen Mod), until you have received yours. Some who have gotten their hands on one already have suggested doing as much internal parts and wiring assembly as possible before bolting the heatsinks and baseplate together, as there is little room for one's hands.
Anyone have dimensions for the chassis interior? I'd like to get started planning my internal layout while waiting for the goodies to arrive. Still no shipping notifications for my chassis or parts kit.

Hi, Not sure about the interior dimensions, but external dimension are well known :)

Rough dimensions coming in at a very tidy and svelt—
in inches:
11.5 Wide x 12.5 Deep x 7.5" high from the floor

292mm W x 318mm D x 190mm H

Add some depth for the VERY nice jacks.

Incidentally—around 115F on the top of the sinks, dropping to mid 90s midway down, about 108F on the body of a Vfet. Brick is tepid to the touch. Sweet! Been running this for a couple of days, all types of music. Vinyl and hi-res digital (plus movies)—it's fabulous (and an honor to get to play it ahead of the curve so to speak).
Joined 2019
Paid Member
In the spirit of documentation and sharing, here’s a completed OS

(Yes, I made a part substitution - had to at least make one thing different :))


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