DIY Sony VFET Builders thread

Joined 2019
Paid Member
Oh wow, too many great chairs!

Here’s the completed PS filter board, which concludes the stuffing/soldering portion of my program. Next up will be some intensive studying of the wiring diagram and maybe getting some boards on the heat sinks.

My overall feedback so far is that everything has been easy to understand, organized well, and a breeze to assemble. Hope everyone enjoys their builds!

Ps. I received LSK170/LSJ74’s in my kit, and they all measured very tight matches. I wouldn’t sweat it if you didn’t receive the tiny Toshiba’s, as it’s obvious these have been matched well.


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Next up will be some intensive studying of the wiring diagram and maybe getting some boards on the heat sinks.

With colours wiring picture find in Mr.Pass article another thing to savor :hypno2: Have a good time on the work bench

Edit: Check details on the high quality 6L6 photos if doubts


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Parts arrived today.
Well packed, and sorted parts and boards in separate boxes and an envelope. Very clean and professional. I thought the color wiring in the pdf was for clarity, nope the silipplied wires are color coded.

A public thank you to the DIY Store team!

I did notice a date on the VFET alu plates, it would seem that this project has been incubating for a while already.
Now waiting on the chassis to arrive.


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