DIY Sony VFET Builders thread

Don't forget when soldering in your front-end JFETs to leave the leads on the long side for easy de-soldering and recovery later. Best to do what you can to preserve these rare creatures in case you wish to re-use them, such as on a new front-end design. Or, you could socket them with machined pin sockets (which is what I will probably do).
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Soldering tips from a Pace HiRel course taken long ago. Clean pads and leads with lint free wipes and 99% Isopropyl,never use erasers etc. Flux all joints "flux is your friend".Solder tip about 650F,use SN63/37 eutectic solder (this was long ago but lead free is a pain in the As#).Clean residue with Isopropyl (acid brush works good).
@ Adason

Congratulations! You are the first Nr1 " Greedy Boyz Gold medal " :Olympic:
If confirmed by full finished kit assembling photos presentation :D

Everybody chanting " We are the Champions " :sing:

Edit: extract about adjustement from Mr. Pass article


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