DIY Sony VFET Builders thread

Hi d to the g,

Bypassing the 1000uF lytic in the signal path... I can understand :)
0.47uF could a bit on the thin side, I have planned 2x 1uF (admittely "just" MKS and not MKP), but that is only in case I need some adjustement and once all is well settled... art work of Papa, I better think twice.

Bypassing the other 1000uf lytic (PS), I can less understand, as isn't this circuit supposed to draw constant current and hence the PS isn't really affected by frequency modulated surge as it is the case with class A/B?

Missing something here?

BTW, if you don't mind sharing... what were the sonic differences if any on this FE mod?

Thanks !

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Very happy I received components kit with Papa ADN :superman: :wiz:
OS boards are two rare prototypes, Sony 87's , FE pcb's have R7 included.
My preparation step 1: printed on paper colour copy of the Vfet SE article is done.
Large bench is cleaned and ready with tools and good light :angel:
Thanks again to Mr.Pass and Jason & DiyAudio Team
for this incredible components kit and excellent work :house:


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Joined 2019
Paid Member
I’ve got a bag of these I should use up in a lifetime!

I didn’t do before and after, but “itsallinmyhead” doesn’t live too far away. I’m sure there will be a comparison at some point.

It will be heading to Botte's early in the week. I'm out of town after that for a week. We can all hopefully catch up before the end of May. Still have a few projects on the bench that have sat woefully neglected and another on the way. The VFET jumped the line. :D

Hopefully timing etc, will allow some fun comparisons with a few things. I have my morning tunes on now... wonderful at low "don't wake the wife" volumes with a little Harry Chapin and some Cat Stevens. :)