DIY Sony VFET Builders thread

My amp is now in this condition. Will try to bias it up before I do more assembly. Will connect a lab-supply and slowly increase voltage and check if something bad happens. Will also use the current limiter in supply.

The other picture is the feet I mounted which are solid aluminium + a solid rubber O-ring. Some other member recommended these via a amazon link and I ordered a set. After that I realized that it was maybe a long way to ship these (from USA). But very nice feet.


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I just had a chance to spend some time with the VFET amp. My conclusion so far is that the VFET is 'the' amp for jazz on high efficiency horn speakers. Music comes through with a dose of realism that makes me want to stick around and listen. Single solo instruments hit that sweet spot and center stage feel. 6L6 was right, fantastic amp. Thanks to everybody involved in making it happen!
:) :) :)
It strikes me as surreal that one of the greatest minds in Audio in the entire world could spend hours sorting out parts for the benefit of the likes of me and others in this incredible community.

Thanks so much Papa Nelson! Maybe it's one of those 'mechanical chores' that we do when we want to 'think'? Something like meditation, or running, or knitting... I don't know. Anyhow, thanks for everything you guys do for us! It certainly does not go unnoticed.

Warmest regards,
...I just need to tame that blue LED....:)
I used a "mechanical" (as opposed to "electrical") approach to tame my LEDs on both the ACA and the WHAMMY. Given the two front holes next to the led hole, I am planning on doing the same here:

I put a blue translucent plastic in front of the led. It helps both with toning down the brightness, but also diffusing a bit the 'central hot spot' of the LED.

Maybe it's a route that help others not wanting to fiddle too much with available resistors?
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Regarding LED I installed it directly on the filter PCB. Then I can look down into the amp if I want to check if power is on. I don't want to look into any bright LEDs in front of me when listening to music......

Did not install them on ACA either. On SSII they are screened a bit by the tube shields but I did consider installing them so they where invisible.


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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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I just finished installing the components onto the boards. Very easy to build PCB and layout. Hearing all the complaints about too bright of a blue LED, I swapped the 10k for 18k resistor to keep the LED current at 2mA. My kit has the Toshiba 2SK370GR and 2SJ108GR and not the LSK170/LSJ74’s. Can I assume that the Toshiba’a are also matched quads?



Chassis installation will be tomorrow.


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Official Court Jester
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Yes, it is now me. In the last two days I matched up 1600 irfp140's for Aleph J's after 800 2SJ74's.


Aleph J?

that rise interesting question ......... :clown:

is it possible that Aleph J is going back in production of FW ....... or that is directly for Greedy Boyz (Store) ?

1600 Biguns is plenty of channels ......... be it 2 or 4/channel