DIYA store "Wolverine" (Son of Badger) .... suggestions ??

At this stage the whole team is very happy with the results of this details testing process. I would personally like to thank the Team members (Keantoken, Jeremy, Harry, Neil, Thimios, JT, John and Brett who have been working on this project basically every day and put in many, many hours to make this amplifier as best that it can be.
Wow, this is commendable. Thank you to all involved. I am subscribed, but will wait until the boards hit the diyAudio Store eventually.

I sincerely hope Pete (ostripper) is alive and well, and he will also get to see and hear what he has started.
Hi All,

I just wanted to update everyone who is subscribed to this thread on the progress of the wolverine son of badger project. Over the past few months the team has been very busy testing the prototype 2 PCB.

We currently have 6 working boards and each one of them has had slightly different components installed. This has enabled us to test, refine and measure many different combinations of components.

At this stage the whole team is very happy with the results of this details testing process. I would personally like to thank the Team members (Keantoken, Jeremy, Harry, Neil, Thimios, JT, John and Brett who have been working on this project basically every day and put in many, many hours to make this amplifier as best that it can be.

If the initial THD numbers are anything to go off, the project is certainly meeting its original design goals.

Taking all that we have learnt, Prototype 3 has been completed and we are currently in the process of checking it before we will have a small number manufactured. Once those boards arrive and we find time to once again build and test a few to ensure they are Final we will ask the other forum members for an expression of interest so we can get some numbers together for an initial run of PCB’s for fellow members.

Stuart, I'll take 2 boards.
Hi Guy's,

I am recording the numbers or PCB's, thanks for everyones interest.

I'll speak to the other team members and we will endeavour to post the preliminary schematic, BOM and build guide once we finish checking prototype 3.

Thanks Stuart. I too am interested in two boards. I am curious though, are plans still to take the project to the forum administration for sale via the store?

In addition, has there been any further testing of other IPS modules for the design?
Joined 2016
Paid Member
Thanks Stuart. I too am interested in two boards. I am curious though, are plans still to take the project to the forum administration for sale via the store?

In addition, has there been any further testing of other IPS modules for the design?

I have tried contacting Jason twice and received no response... We will try again once we have a proven package.

Regarding Alternate IPS boards.
We have not looked that far ahead.

OS, did start one called the Spooky but it was never finished or checked.

Once the wolverine is finished I will submit a Sprint layout template for future IPS boards to be developed.