DIYA store "Wolverine" (Son of Badger) .... suggestions ??

What is a reasonable transformer voltage to use and has anybody pushed this thing to look at distortion verses power output or if tolerates low impediance or tough loads? I've got some electrostatics that need some current to sound exceptional due to wild impedance curves and wilder phase shifts
I have several chassis that I ordered for the RK-Autobias-200W amplifier. One of them should contain Wolverine instead.

I have serious respect for the Wolverine design, and consider it one of the very best ever presented on diyAudio. I think I need to build a stereo version for posterity, and to compare to my Auto200W when I finally get round to finishing it.

The punchline is please reserve 2 PCBs for me, please.
What is a reasonable transformer voltage to use and has anybody pushed this thing to look at distortion verses power output or if tolerates low impediance or tough loads? I've got some electrostatics that need some current to sound exceptional due to wild impedance curves and wilder phase shifts

Hey Jim, we have looked at 4 ohms to clip and the numbers look good. Mine was 289W just before clip. It looks great from 1k to 50k. My rails were about +- 62V

100W into 4 ohms at 1k, I got 0.00073 and at 50k 0.00593 all numbers are THD+N My numbers come from a Pan VP-7723A. (Which I bought specifically for this project)

We are going into our 3rd proto soon and we will get some numbers from that version, which is the one you guys will get unless we find something we feel merits further revision.

Don't get frustrated, we have lives and the total hours spent on R&D is staggering. We have opted to spend our time making the best amp we can. You know how the forum is... once you start posting, it becomes a time suck to keep up and we chose to spend our available hours, building the best amp we can. Once we get the next board going and work out any niggles, you will find more output here.

Pops to Pete, and all who have donated their time, and money, to bring the Wolverine to you. Be patient people, I think you will be pleased.

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AudioSan, we are very near to finalising the version 3 prototype boards prior to ordering a batch for what we hope is final testing and validation of component alternatives. In the meantime we wanted to get an idea of the interest in this project and this will guide our approach to "release". So we have asked for member's interest to be indicated.