diyAB Amp - The "Honey Badger"

Hi. I just joined DIYA because I got it in my head that this amp was something I wanted to build.

But I was reading the first few pages of this thread, and it occurred to me that I am a bit flaky, and probably need an amp with a more robust protection scheme than just remembering to be careful. Did anybody ever come up with any DC/undercurrent protection for one of their builds?
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Are you asking from a protection solution for DC or a current limiter to protect against shorting or overdriving the outputs?

There are plenty of protection solutions for DC offset that are often separate from the amplifier circuit (The DIYAudio store sells a solution). However, if you are looking for a current limiter to protect the output devices from being overdriven or shorted, then you would typically need something built into the amplifier circuit.
This amp is pretty darn robust. It will take a real beating. I have driven my poor 5ch honey badger hard and beound a lot over the past year. It just smiles and gives me a bloody kick in the face :)
(all this given it is build kind of right)


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Are you asking from a protection solution for DC or a current limiter to protect against shorting or overdriving the outputs?

There are plenty of protection solutions for DC offset that are often separate from the amplifier circuit (The DIYAudio store sells a solution). However, if you are looking for a current limiter to protect the output devices from being overdriven or shorted, then you would typically need something built into the amplifier circuit.

The 21st Century Protection system does provide overload protection, as well as DC offset detection, overtemp and power loss detection. Overload is easy to detect by measuring voltage drop across a pair of emitter resistors.

How to build a 21st century protection board
Joined 2014
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The 21st Century Protection system does provide overload protection, as well as DC offset detection, overtemp and power loss detection. Overload is easy to detect by measuring voltage drop across a pair of emitter resistors.

How to build a 21st century protection board

It also provides for soft start and if you have tubes a warm-up delay. Also if you buy the power supply boards from them, it disconnects the power supply from the outputs when a fault is detected. Also blinks the power LED to let you know what fault it has.
Getting the Badger together.... This will be a dual mono version obviously, the LEDs for the power will be the badgers eyes. I found a cool little decal, I think it's going to work nicely. I almost didn't use it as some of the stuff can get kinda puerile, but "What's up Doc?' :p

The speaker boards are just there for place holder, I'm going to swap them out for another design.


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Joined 2017
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