Dual mono AK4495S with AK4137 and MCU/LCD DAC kit for $160

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Hi Daniel , here is a pic of the dac in situ :


  • DSCF1393.JPG
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Hi Gordon,

why you have selected MSB instead of II2S on your SRC board? J02 jumper is on right side not left side, make your ribbon cable as short as possible, other than that I don't see any trouble with it, my LCD board contain all smd parts for remote operation, I tried it and it works, did you get your LCD board with 1 or 3 button board? the only command which doesn't work is volume control but I didn't have it connected to my DAC board so it might work only when connected, not sure...


Hi Gordon,

why you have selected MSB instead of II2S on your SRC board? J02 jumper is on right side not left side, make your ribbon cable as short as possible, other than that I don't see any trouble with it, my LCD board contain all smd parts for remote operation, I tried it and it works, did you get your LCD board with 1 or 3 button board? the only command which doesn't work is volume control but I didn't have it connected to my DAC board so it might work only when connected, not sure...


Hi Daniel , the actual jumpers are JO3 on the left and J02 on the right ,, which is the reverse of the legend printed on the board. Legend on the board says 0= connected , so I have J03 connected and JO2 open which is correct for I2s as I read it ?.
Made a really short ribbon cable b4 the board arrived but appear to have lost it in the mess that is my office :).
Lcd board only has one button so I may have bought the wrong 4137 board but don't really need remote on the dac anyway at this stage.
Thanks again for the help.
Got a Bellson 2.5 amp reg to replace the 7805 on the 4137 board and will look into better clocks for the SRC as currently up sampling seems to hamper musical timing/fluidity.
Hi Daniel and Gordon

On my AK4137 board then the legend is J03 on the left...if I look at it a the same angle as Daniel's picture..
I have tried jumper on J02 and feed into a Opus WM8741 set to IIS and there I could select SRC upto 96khz and still getting music out
Setting jumper on J03 and still into a Opus WM8741 then I could only select 44khz...
I don't understand why Opus Dac can't go to 192khz as the dac supports..any clue to that limitation?
Once I get components for the AK4495 then I will see how it goes with pcm 192khz and dsd...
Hi Daniel and Gordon

On my AK4137 board then the legend is J03 on the left...if I look at it a the same angle as Daniel's picture..
I have tried jumper on J02 and feed into a Opus WM8741 set to IIS and there I could select SRC upto 96khz and still getting music out
Setting jumper on J03 and still into a Opus WM8741 then I could only select 44khz...
I don't understand why Opus Dac can't go to 192khz as the dac supports..any clue to that limitation?
Once I get components for the AK4495 then I will see how it goes with pcm 192khz and dsd...
It's all a bit confusing what with the strange layout of the jumper legends and the lack of a full translation of the pin config table.
With the dual 4495 I am getting sound out up to dsd 5.6 upsampling no idea why the Opus is only allowing 96khz.
Can you tell me if dac can be used in DSD direct- native?
I tried but i think that DAC always stays in dsd over dop. Because volume and filter settings are still present. It should be only 50khz, 100khz...filter settings and no volume then is passed at DSD direct-native function... or i am wrong?
I can*t get it from linux or windows jriver.
About ak4490 board. I know that ak4495 does not have that function of dsd direct and first non oversampling board can be used for both ak4490/ak4495 mono dacs and also dual monoak4495. If you can find out if new firmware ic can be bought that has dsd direct function with 2 dsd filters. And bypassed volume and delta sigma modulator.
Or if producer can send hex file and i will programmed new firmware on ic and try it.
Thank you.
Any news about ak4497 dac?
Last conversation between my friend P. and seller was in way that he can sel me ic or reprogram my when i buy ak4497 and want to use old nonowersampling board. He will also try to get answer again, but i also try to ask here and get the answer.
Ooo , thank you for the DAC link. But in our country import duties, all electronic products that have no eu certificate are send back to seller, producer. Pcb can be bought so i am interested in pcb. :(
When i see closelly no dsd direct volume bypass setting is vissble .
Can you ask seller if that settings are present in new fimware at that dac.
Thank you for all answers. Davorin
that's not the same like asking him to provide firmware or hex files, he will do it for you if you want for extra money...
in such case I suggest you to ask seller to provide you just board instead of whole DAC, I haven't heard from him for couple of weeks so you might have more luck...
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