Dual mono AK4495S with AK4137 and MCU/LCD DAC kit for $160

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I have finally assembled the dual AK4495 board with Pan. FM caps for dac and Silmic and AMCH caps for the analogue part with a NewclassD discrete opamp.
I have tried the AK4137 seperately and it was working with the another dac but when AK4495 is connected then no sound at all ...independent of output sample rate...
J02 on AK4137 is set and j10 and 11 is set on AK4495...
Any clues to the sound of silence?
Hi Nelso , what values did you use for the Panasonic FM's.
Just wondering if it is worth increasing the value of the 220uf Phillips Oscon to say 1000uf?
I dont think this combo works in 'online' mode. To get it to work I had to use jumpers 2,3 &4 , leaving 10 and 11 open.
Jo3 on the 4137 board is correct.

When using J10&11 then output level very extremely low and very distorted..
Tried J2,3,4 jumper and now the music i flowing...only with output at DSD 11.2MHz there is a problem as it is just giving digital noise...any clue to this?

Have not been able find the volume control or filter setting in the AK 4137 menu ....only input and SRC upscaling frequency...
Hi Nelso , what values did you use for the Panasonic FM's.
Just wondering if it is worth increasing the value of the 220uf Phillips Oscon to say 1000uf?

Hi Gordon,

For the 8mm I use 680uf/16v and for 10mm I use 820uf/25v.
For C01 there is no benefit but use 680uf anyway as these caps are cheap.
I would have liked to have larger pin distance so bigger/better caps could be used ...especially for the analogue part...AKM recommends to use 2200uf for optimal analogue performance!!
AK4137 + 2xAK4495

Hello Daniel

AK4137 + DUAL ak4495 Can not be used in online mode

I've asked him if there's any fix otherwise it means we can't use filter setting and volume control on AK4137 board, not sure why we have seen jumper config list attached to the original AK4137 board advertisement if we can't use it especially if it's possible through his AK4118 board :confused:

I will update first page accordingly until we have further confirmation...
I've asked him if there's any fix otherwise it means we can't use filter setting and volume control on AK4137 board, not sure why we have seen jumper config list attached to the original AK4137 board advertisement if we can't use it especially if it's possible through his AK4118 board :confused:

I will update first page accordingly until we have further confirmation...
Thanks Daniel, the filters on the 4137 do work in offline mode ie they have an obvious impact on the sound however I wonder if this means we are cascading this filter with the ones on the dual dac board?
Confused also.
Lehuy: Thanks...I thought though that volume control was built into the AK4137 board

Don't believe there is a volume control on the 4137 board as it is not set up for remote control (missing infrared receiver and some smd components and possibly the correct firmware ). Volume control is available on the 4118 board but my sample of that board did not produce any sound so I can't confirm either way.
hard to say, based on pin config file J2/3/4 jumpers connected at the same time means "reserved" but without explanation what reserved means, not sure either, there's ME pin in 20pin socket which should be linked with controller but no idea about it's functionality and if it's somehow linked with AK4137 logic and MCU, hard to back trace it...
Don't believe there is a volume control on the 4137 board as it is not set up for remote control (missing infrared receiver and some smd components and possibly the correct firmware ). Volume control is available on the 4118 board but my sample of that board did not produce any sound so I can't confirm either way.

I have this AK4118 PCB with Amanero: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/AK41...2622810585.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.55.Ams1XV
The inputs switch, volume control and type of filters working properly with my AK4490 DAC (including DSD), remote control not yet tested (I do not have Apple remote control right now). So far, no problems.
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Hi All,

My experience so far with AK4137 and Dual AK4495 board.

- Jumper J2 is set...but have not experienced a difference if j3 was set instead!!!
- Soft control of Volume and dac filter is not possible to set via AK4137 (can't get to appear on the display via key)
- DSD 11.2MHz is not working ....just "white noise"
- volume changes when going from PCM (up to 192kHz) and DSD (5.6MhZ) where DSD is lower volume

Dual AK4495
J10+11 set gives almos no sound and the sound is very distorted.
J2,3,4 set gives sound (Ozcal's recommendation) but do no idea which filter is used...it is just stated as Reserved.
J4 set set the Super Soft filter I think gives the most clear and open sound.
J2,3 set the Soft Short filter gives almost the same sound...maybe a little more bass but not as open as Super Soft filter.

Issues and work ahead:
Has anyone experienced digital noise output from the DAC creating problems with ClassD amps? Will try ferrit around signal cable to Amp.
Remove the LT1763 chips for 7V analogue PSU and connect 7V directly to C25, C40.
Supply 3.3 directly to the crystals (removing the LFJ LDO)
Possible replace crystals with reference clocks - anyone having some recommendations?
My experience is the same as yours Nelso except that with 2,3,4 connected I prefered the 'sharp' filters on the AK4137 as the soft filters were dull.
You were able to get sound with either just j4 or j2&3 connected ?

True that the sharp filters gives more punch/power to the sound.

Yes I get sound with the different filter settings both J4 (Super Soft) and J2+3(Soft Short) and the other combinations as well.

So what filter is used when J2,3,4 is set?

See more details on the AKM449x filters
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