Dual mono AK4495S with AK4137 and MCU/LCD DAC kit for $160

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I made a version of the DAC is close to completion.
With ak4137 for some reason I did not like the sound. And it did not work at all sample rates. Perhaps somewhere I was wrong.
I stopped at USB DAC version.
Very influenced by the power DAC. As a result, in contrast to the photos, I have the power discrete Class A to OPAMP and DACs analog. And the Studer900 powered DAC digital part.
Power Studer900 analog part of DAC I removed, I liked the sound smaller.
Now I'm waiting tle2072 in power Studer900 to replace the 072. And as the replacement option ths4061 opa1611 in filter.

It sounds great!


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yes, sound from RPi I2S is pretty jittery and noisy that's why guys in Head-Fi using FIFO reclock between RPi and their AK4495 DAC, they aren't talking about good sound from RPi but from whole audio chain which includes FIFO reclock...if you look at the pictures (page 34 of that thread) you will see FIFO reclock device between RPi and that Chinese DAC... http://www.head-fi.org/image/id/9051987/width/900/height/900/flags/LL
I have just finished my test setup with that board. I bought the online version with coding switch. That is the one with a potentiometer (built in push switch).

IMG_0263.jpg IMG_0264.jpg

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It works perfectly with the XMOS module from the same designer and the dual AK4495 DAC. You can change filter settings, inputs and volume. Just connect J10 and 11 on DAC to put it into online mode.

If you want to use Wave I/O you will need to connect it through the same connector as the XMOS card is using although I can't tell you if that will work as I don't have one to test it with.

I bought the DAC direct from the taobao seller and got the capacitor kit as it was cheap enough to not use if there was an issue. Here are some pictures of the capacitors side by side with the same models bought from Mouser. I cannot tell them apart and if they are fake then there is no way to tell by looking.

IMG_0260.jpg IMG_0261.jpg IMG_0262.jpg

DAC sounds good and I am happy with it. Now I need to arrange a proper home for it.
ljufa: yes, you can use it as input selector

fluid: but this is AK4118 MCU board, right? it should work the same way as his complete AK4495 DAC board where MCU is programmed differently than in case of AK4137...

edit: he doesn't use fake components, this has been proved on all of his boards
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Thank you both!

all sellers on ebay and aliexpress are very confusing. they all have the same description with different pictures and all describe online and standard mode but there is no option to chose online mode.

I also noticed some boards have Atmel chip some don't. Is this chip MCU for filter and volume control?
kukynas: I know this thread was started about the 4137 board but ljufa's link was to the 4118 board by the same designer which is why I posted about that one.

ljufa the seller on taobao ruizc is the source for these boards, the ebay and aliexpress sellers are just re-selling the boards at higher prices. The information in the description is just copied and google translated from the taobao site. You can choose different options on taobao but often not with the aliexpress or ebay sellers.

I think the different pictures are because there have been different versions of the board made at different times, if the pictures are good enough you should be able to see a date on the PCB which will give you an idea of which version they are selling. The MCU on the 4118 board can select between any of the inputs the board has and can change volume and filter settings on the 4495 and 4490 dac's from the same designer.

Do you have one the 4495 or 4490 dac's from this designer?
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