ESS Sabre Reference DAC (8-channel)

ES9008S eva-board I/V stage

This photo is ES9008S eva-board I/V stage close up.
ESS choice Analog Devices AD797.


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Re: Why McIntosh use CS8416?

nagaesan said:
McIntosh MCD500 has 192kHz24bit digital input RCA terminal.
I checked this Digital Interface Reciever IC, it was CS8416.
I wonder why McIntosh uses CS8416 conventional PLL DIR-IC, because ES9008S has very nice non PLL / Time stump based DIR circuit.

Do you know who it is?

My guess is they used it for convenience, since they needed to multiplex multiple SPDIF inputs.

The ES9008 has no provision to multiplex SPDIF.

BrianL said:
I'm confused. What is the complexity of multiplexing and SPDIF bit stream? Unless, perhaps, you're worried about transients generated if you merely switched them with a digital mux.

It's not that its particularly complex, but by using the CS8416 you can keep the ES9908 in one mode, namely PCM/DSD. This simplifies things quite a lot.

Re: McIntosh MCD 500 inside view

nagaesan said:
This is McIntosh MCD 500 inside view.

A few questions:

What's under the little shield on the circuit board (assuming microcontroller)?

Where is the ESS in the physical layout?

Can you make out any markings on the back of the Toslink connector (inside the case)? I am wondering what they are using.
TOS-Link reciever device of MCD500

Recieving OPT Device is this.
I do not know this is 4times speed(DVD-Audio 192kHz is OK)
or 2times speed(DVD-Video 96kHz)

But I already checked it, MCD500 can recieving 192kHz 24bit.
How I checked it, that I build up Audio PC, installed RME HDSP9632 sound-card.
RME HDSP9632 support 192kHz24bit
And I used "Adobe Audition" sound editting software.


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AD797 or AD825 or OPA627

I have 3 ES9008S eva-board.

No1. board is not modify, this I/V stage is AD797.
And I put this eva-board in a silver color chasis.

No2.board is modified I/V stage, AD825.
And I put this eva-board in a black color chasis.

No3.board is also modified I/V stage, OPA627.
This eva-board is naked.


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