"Filler" driver ala B&O

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" Are you running the drivers with active DSP ? "

No crossover at all.

" a pair of 5" Taiwanese specials from some Aiwa speakers, so I just wired them in series on some open baffles and plugged them in."

I tried that too, and that's what encouraged me to do the full treatment.
I thought djk was encouraging gus to do a proper OB. But most of the time a typical message like this doesn't go through ;)

It's fine for a newbie to run a cheap midrange in series like that (without crossover), it is not for djk. I guess it's not, even for trying :D
I said that I tried a full range driver with no crossover.

Sorry I didn't see the "full-range" part. What I saw is your comment "I did THAT too..." after quoting Gus on using a cheap non full-range Aiwa driver ;)

The results were so good that I did it properly with the 6dB crossover on both ends of the spectrum.
So it was not about Open Baffle then...
After you band-pass the FR, did you put it in series with the main speaker (as per the experiment), or it became a dedicated speaker (with woofer and tweeter)? If the former, I might have to try that sometime.
My system was 4 horn-loaded 15's, and a 2" throat JBL driver bi-amped at 12dB/500hz.

The filler was a horn loaded dual 12, with its own amplifier.

The filler driver was used in medium to large clubs, and it was switched to a LR24 three-way for the largest halls, and outside.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
My system was 4 horn-loaded 15's, and a 2" throat JBL driver bi-amped at 12dB/500hz.

The filler was a horn loaded dual 12, with its own amplifier.

The filler driver was used in medium to large clubs, and it was switched to a LR24 three-way for the largest halls, and outside.

Well that is neat to hear this was tried on a hand scale. Were you able to achieve a transient perfect step response?

We are having a language problem - because I am not sure if there was supposed to be sarcasm in that last post of yours. It reads like it is but is mildly ambiguous enough that emoticons would have helped. Doesn't matter now that we are back on technical discussion.
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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Waveguide and PA130-8's have arrived

My new waveguide for the PRV D280Ti and PA130-8's arrived. That is a nice waveguide for $11. Built like a tank - thick thick ABS.

Ready to make the high efficiency PA version.


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"Do you have any photos of your system"

It was in 1981, unfortunately I only have a shot of one of the filler speakers (I made a total of four).

That's Joe standing there, he photo-shopped this otherwise I wouldn't even have this photo.
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hey DJK - was that the Manta type you attempted to explain to me in the day having two break angles? (besides the telephone barrier, I was a bit drunk:D_) there was some function in the filter to flatten its upper response IIRC - ?

I'd like to try this filler approach with something capable of some spl - the old B&O were clear but seemed dynamically wimpy using small Phillips mids and domes - then again perhaps the store owner just didn't crank them - I didn't use rock for auditioning speakers - more jazz such as the live Pablo issues of that time. I want a speaker to sound nice whether a polite lieder session, or reproducing a drum kit at some semi-believable levels - those little toy drivers are for headphones
Well that is neat to hear this was tried on a hand scale. Were you able to achieve a transient perfect step response?

We are having a language problem - because I am not sure if there was supposed to be sarcasm in that last post of yours. It reads like it is but is mildly ambiguous enough that emoticons would have helped. Doesn't matter now that we are back on technical discussion.

Trust me to get it off topic with some non technical meanderings. No choice though....I know nothing you see;)
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