Is it possible to cover the whole spectrum, high SPL, low distortion with a 2-way?

unless group delay is much tighter than seen here in this graph
I don't think that the graph I posted above is a great example of the idea I meant to convey lol.... But many of you have seen plenty of measurements and you know how bad the GD can get...This for example.


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Killing room reflections corrects it possible that incorrect timbre is what leads to misjudgment of loudness, and not so much the decay?
“Timbre” is not correct or incorrect any more than colors are.
.....Where's the proof that it is the decay that leads to a misperception of signal loudness?
Room reflections certainly can influence timbre perception, since the “tone color”, or harmonic sustain depends on the room’s absorption index by frequency and the sound producer’s directivity, placement, angle and distance from the listeners ears.
How were those experiments. SPL is an average of signal over time.....I am not certain that our ears function the same way. What are some experiments I could try with my stereo and sound engineering tools to expose this?
SPL is a single number independent of frequency, and may be averaged over a time, (impulse, fast, slow) or be instantaneous (peak).
“Loudness” is a subjective interpretation of SPL, and varies with signal frequency, duration, and level.

You can experiment with your stereo using REW measurement tools, comparing your perception of “loudness” using a sine wave or the “CEA-2010 Burst” as signal, while logging the levels at various frequencies.
REW Tools.png
You may be surprised to find a mouse click peak SPL is much higher than the SPL you would choose to listen to a 500 Hz (or higher frequency) sine wave, and your perception of the loudness of the CEA-2010 Burst will change more with SPL than the sine wave.
And if you get someone else to agree to listen to the same routine, don’t be surprised when their perception is quite different...
Yeah, get off the group delay pipe ;^)

Yeah, get off the group delay pipe ;^)
Lmao! Hey now! I did bring about Start transient to light...thanks to Dr. Geddes.... still.....I was right about it. This idea of GD being a form of resolution....theres gotta be some merit to it....all I am saying is that incorrect timbre will lead to incorrect perception of loudness. I don't know if its true but I am suggesting it...You didn't say it could or couldn't yet
I cannot believe this has gone on for 503 pages when the answer is no.
This was a setup question for the thread....Though this premise we able to walk down the line and see what the cracks look like....

Large MTM/TMM and even TM 2 ways can get very very close to fulfilling these desires.....if we factor in the necessity of multi subs to create the best FR and SQ.....Then the answer becomes yes.

I always forget to include vented enclosures because I sorta ruled them out in the beginning but sort of unspoken....
Large Vented TMM/TMM/and TM can fulfill the task to 30hz which is enough for mastering music. With the addition of subs...something that I call a necessity anyway.....yes a 2 way can, handle the mains.
It is not possible to play a drum kit in a small room properly without hearing protection or significantly having to pull your punches which ruins the flow and feel on anything that needs to be hit hard. I grew up learning in a large garage and could hit as hard as I liked. When I tried the same in a bedroom with a few reflective surfaces nearby it nearly took my head off it was that loud. Fun for a short while..
Oooooooooo now I see...... How'd I miss that(you're a drummer toooo).... You know they say Drummers are smarter than everyone else :ROFLMAO:

Fusion Jazz drummer all day..... My favorite people to study....Dave Weckl, Tony Williams, Carter Beauford, Dennis Chambers, Elvin Jones

I'm searching, looking for a something to lead me back to the post in @mabat 's thread where the person 3d printed a sculpting tool to help create his round waveguide :unsure:

Okkk I found it
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Not being cocky but I highly doubt his right foot is as fast as mine.... Dont make me bust my Axis pedal out of the garage for a demonstration lol

Derico Watson has one of the fastest right foot triplets I've heard....if I can find the video (not eh one linked) I'll share it...he executes some perfect, high speed, triplets that if you aren't paying attention you'll miss it.

I should give Derico some credit since it was some personal advice from him (I caught him after a drum clinic) that kind of led to that which is my right foot. Having a fast right foot has always been a pinnacle of gospel drumming...
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Oh... not goofy drummers you like Camplo.

Being the 'lacking finesse and subtility' guy i am, i'm very impressed by Sepultura's drummer Eloy Casagrande.
The guy hit hard ( funny to see the cam react to some hits in the video) but he is incredibly technical and have a sense of groove.

Poor cymbals!

One thing is sure about drummers, the need to master desynchronisation of body parts probably require particular links between brain hemisphere. I'm not sure they are more inteligent than other people ( well rock and roll prooved the end of some of the best drummers didn't require inteligence -J.Bonham or K.Moon) but you are not wired the same as common people for sure.

And this is from a former bass player you know,... this guy which follow your band with heavy and bulky amps... but noone knows what he does:D
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I kinda despise famous drummers who only do things I can (could) do....Bonham is one of them, I keep waiting for the special moment to happen and it never comes lol :( If I hadnt of let it go maybe I'd be in one of these videos....7-14age professional lessons... though my last year of high school before dropping out....12 hours a day sessions... To go pro you really have to dedicate your life to that instrument, something I had done up to that point.....Then I decided I was lonely lol and my drumset wasnt as soft and warm Wife lol.....I credit my high level of hand eye coordination that allows me to be such a force in my current profession, to drumming....operating heavy equipment is a cake walk compared to holding a swing pattern on the ride while, adlibbing with the snare and kick, while keeping time with the hi hat....standard swing/be bop chops....Drumming and many hours of Counter Strike lmao....I also have had 24 hour sessions of CS1.6.....Persistence is a virtue of mine.

when it comes to blazing speed the metal drummers sure are top shelf...
For the hard stuff I lean towards Meshuggah
The off beat stuff pulls at my heart strings....

being a Fusion Jazz drummer mainly, you could imagine that I'd get board quickly straight 16th ands 32nd notes...
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Bohnam: i think is the most sampled drummer in the world, and for good reason in my view.
For me his genius was in the fact he rarely put himself (this much) forefront and usually answer to the guitar and bass in the track context. He was not a beatbox drummer as i call them.
And he played drums as percussions not drums to me ( as Hendrix's drummer, Casagrande, Cavalerra,..).

I get being bored by 4/4 stuff. As a player i fully get it, as a listener not so much ( don't get me wrong, i have such respect for prog/free/jazz players but listening too long put me in nervous mood).

But it may be a difference in preference: i read your analysis of Morello's performance on Take 5 and fully disagree with your view! ;)
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the first time I saw this video(18), I was slightly depressed, I am not used to people having an advantage over me, when it comes to time invested vs outcome/ability since I started so young...I didnt play with my toys after I got a drumset.... Dave Weckl Started at like 12-14 so in my mind if I had of kepting going I would of been a somebody... then I seen this video and started questioning life lol! This person grew up around famous the ball was in his court.

this solo is better than any Bohnam solo Ive ever seen.....ever
I would watch the videos before making any claims, his feet are as impressive as his single handed rolls. If you can actually accomplish either of those things you have my respect.
that guy is old news to me, I already know him.... he was a name back in 2000

I can do the single handed roll, the trick with the rim? Probably not as fast as him....He focuses on gimmicks.
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Life is unfair Camplo: being gifted at something and in need to do it to be fine in your life as well as being into an environnement which open possibility is what give human kind : 'genius'.

Videos of Casagrande in his early teenage years was shocking to me too. And his physical evolution once he was in his twenty! Athlete playing give athlete body. I hope he won't face the nightmare of injury in his 30's ( so much drummers in metal had to quit because of that...).
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I wont say that life is "unfair"....rather its funny how things work out....As our consciousness matures, we mature as artist as well...even away from the instrument. I learned this the first large amount of time away from the kit....when I came back I was more mature and all the flashy stuff was a been there done that and the groove/pocket meant so much more.

My first large system I built was PA system that allowed me to play along with these big names I listed above....I could play all my favorite songs off of every Dave Weckl album before I left that house....

You guys just helped me build a Big boy version of that system.....and I have 6 months every year to myself....maybe its not too late? I always said I wanted to become adept enough to play jazz by ear on the piano but....who knows. The drums are soooo loud.... I would have to build a sound proof room to focus on it like I would really want to. I am thankful for the way the drumset has manipulated my psychology.

Rhythm is a form of mathematics that I have achieved a high level of skill....I have mathematical skills in that when mathematicians get cocky....I remind myself that math is a language not an IQ. And that those mathematicians don't have the abstract reasoning and ability to see patterns that I do. Being add I can't do mental math at all to the point of embarrassment... short term memory deficit. But I can swing with my right hand play, keep time with my left foot while playing every 3rd note with left hand...and I havent set behind a kit in years...
Is there any topic you aren't the world's foremost expert on?
Math.... Though I do really good with remembering formulas. I make near 100k a year in 6months, and have been homeless several times previous... I might....have a chip on my shoulder lol...I mean like sleep in a stairwell homeless. Nothing was handed to me.....I had read through several encyclopedias by 10...My mom brought me to the library every other day as a child...

I consider you guys to be just as intelligent, so its not like I think I am better. Then theres the Geddes and Mabats...they are geniuses. Genius does come in many forms.
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