Jean Michel on LeCleac'h horns

If you sort points along all XYZ axes (not as slices) then it goes pretty easily.


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Serious work SunRa.

Soongsc - elliptical JMLC is different, you can't just draw two guidelines and two ellipses. Surface approximation through point cloud is of course much quicker especially in Mastercam.
Well, then you either have to scan an existing one to calculate the point clouds. Be even that won't give you smooth curves. The better way is to draw multiple guidelines.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
It must sound great - it looks so good!
A frequent problem with women, I find. So many are so attractive - until they open their mouths to speak. The "Fran Drescher" syndrome.

I defense of the Iwata horn, it does sound great, and has sexy curves as well. The principle behind the Iwata curve (IIRC) was to keep the side walls perpendicular to the wave front as it expands. So Mr. Iwata developed his own profile. A number of other profiles are similar to his. Hard to say if one is "better" than another.


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A frequent problem with women, I find. So many are so attractive - until they open their mouths to speak. The "Fran Drescher" syndrome.

I defense of the Iwata horn, it does sound great, and has sexy curves as well. The principle behind the Iwata curve (IIRC) was to keep the side walls perpendicular to the wave front as it expands. So Mr. Iwata developed his own profile. A number of other profiles are similar to his. Hard to say if one is "better" than another.

At my age "attractive" is enough:)

The OS does exactly what you say the Iwata attempts to do. The difference is that he "assumed" how the wavefront would expand (and incidentaly, got it wrong) and put the walls there and I calculated precisely how they do expand and placed the walls there.
.....So many are so attractive ..... Hard to say if one is "better" than another.

my experience with "vitavox RH330 & CN159 with S2 & S3" and my (diy) IWATA & S2/S3 (and dia adaptor) , my (music) preference go for the IWATA in vivo,

in fine,
I presume that a horn profile (look a like iwata) but in a concept " JMLC" would sound better (out the good hands from jzagaja... i presume,
nice horn project,