Jean Michel on LeCleac'h horns

Here are Jean-Michel Le Cléac'h's elliptical design spreadsheets. There is an explanation text file in the directory with the spreadsheets he sent me. The larger ones are zipped. If there are any issues with getting the files, let me know. These include his quasi elliptical, Iwata, and controlled horizontal directivity designs. Note that I have not used these spreadsheets yet, so I have no experience with them. If you build one of these, please post pictures to this thread. Also, please do not repost this link elsewhere.

Index of /JMLC_elliptical
I have found the spreadsheet. But it has Old_calculation and New_calculation
The trick is that the new_calculation is dated 2007 and the old one -2009
Here are the pictures.
Does anybody know where is the new one or the right one?


  • ?????? ?????? 2016-04-12 ? 0.50.30.png
    ?????? ?????? 2016-04-12 ? 0.50.30.png
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  • ?????? ?????? 2016-04-12 ? 0.50.44.png
    ?????? ?????? 2016-04-12 ? 0.50.44.png
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  • ?????? ?????? 2016-04-12 ? 0.50.20.png
    ?????? ?????? 2016-04-12 ? 0.50.20.png
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For Accuracy ...

I have found the spreadsheet. But it has Old_calculation and New_calculation
The trick is that the new_calculation is dated 2007 and the old one -2009
Here are the pictures.
Does anybody know where is the new one or the right one?

... simply use David's Horn Response program,
and compare the results.

N.B., at the points of departure, it is not going to make any acoustical difference.
For a high frequency horn, use an OS horn body and finish it off with a mouth profile using JMLC or similar method.

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Thank you! But I am a happy mac user). Can you also build the jmlc horn profile with this program?

Also you could write the algorithm in VBA for MS/Excel, which would yield a very simple spreadsheet. Eventually you will need to migrate the point data set to a CAD/NC program. For a HF/CD Horn, you need to sacrifice some LF loading and open-up the horn throat early. The OS profile does that but needs a mouth treatment that does not produce a discontinuity in the profile 2nd. derivative. (at point of departure, slope & curvatures match.)

diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2008
Paid Member
The OS profile does that but needs a mouth treatment that does not produce a discontinuity in the profile 2nd. derivative. (at point of departure, slope & curvatures match.)

You earlier recommended mating OS to Lecleach to terminate. Since the Lecleach expects a somewhat flattened wavefront relative to its wall angle, would it follow that this transition should be made at a point before the OS is allowed to fully bloom into its conical/spherical asymptote?

You earlier recommended mating OS to Lecleach to terminate. Since the Lecleach expects a somewhat flattened wavefront relative to its wall angle, would it follow that this transition should be made at a point before the OS is allowed to fully bloom into its conical/spherical asymptote?

The more cone body the better, but you will trade some of this for the mouth bell al la JMLC. The first derivative of the OS profile will set the starting angle of the JMLC profile at the point you select. N.B. In the OS throat as the mouth is approached the radius of curvature increases. When the JMLC commences the radius of curvature will then decrease to form eventual lip roll-over.