Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

I re read again the link but can't see mdf being mentioned I'm really blind I think... :( Let's just jump in I'd say. This .53 seem to be able to take a 8" too. Will do a last calculus of the sizes today and start to build this week with this Prosound L74AW 8" driver as mid/woofer and the tweeter sitting on top. Can't wait to receive a mic to test. Any of you tested android solutions to measure with a mic?
an audio oscillator and multimeter can probably get ball park parameters even if the meter's response isn't flat in the low frequencies - just use say a 10 ohm resistor load instead of the speaker each reading and adjust drive to get a "10" reading, then put the speaker in place of that load and get the speaker's impedance. . A series resistor say 1K is used between the oscillator and load to get some semblance of a current source.

A "woofer" tester is the way to go.
If your speaker turns out to have a high qts then you might just make a sealed or aperiodic vent K8. It could be made like Welter's K8 interpretaton which is larger.

Hopefully it has a bright and cheerful midrange and treble.

Here's Karlson's 1960's K8. I don't think the two panel reflector is needed - just makes it more difficult to build.

Rare K8 with round hole port - a round duct could be used to tune it

Here's the approximate dimensions on Weltersys Dad's old "K8" - it sounds nice with a Visaton BG20
I've done it with a Polk 6.5 in K8 and (not high qts) DVC in K12. From seeing several un-ported K12 from the 1960's, and comments, I think the kit K12 of the 1960's could be purchased with a blank port panel and possibly included instructions on what size and how many holes to drill for a particular driver.

3rd K12 - the full width shelf of the 1954 K12 re-appeared

K12 slit vent sealed with tape and MCM (excellent for $) DVC 12 used by the late Marshall Leach Jr.
I've had some old and dried out speakers with qts >1 sound nice in Karlson cabinets - but it takes more motor strength to get some punch.

The Karlsonator is tuned lower for given bulk than the Karlson originals plus he offset driver can make it smoother. (not always)

Here's a guy who uses Karlson K15 and K12 for dance music


Plus a US guy who has used his K15 home pair for dances

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Make it a wall of 4 columns of tops and bins and you got what we are aiming to do. So is a high qts as i could read. And the point of peak is 2.5khz, xover cuts at 3 so should be ok ish. Will try out a karlsonator since they go down a little more, could maybe avoid building a subwoofer with these. If not good i can always swap for another enclosure and use these with a better driver.