Miscellaneous designs - Markaudio, Fostex, TB, Dayton, SEAS etc

Joined 2001
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F3 is only meaningful to electronics, meaningless to humans (ref Toole).

Given the extrapolation step that happens in the sim (it does not deal with the highR vents), i can only guess the extention, And it is anechoic. In almost any room it will go lower.

Est F6 about 50, F10 about 40.

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Hey guy,
I wonder if someone could address the Changtse to a newish speaker maker? I noticed in the last 6 months it appeared on the Mark Audio sight. Anyone make this speaker? Also I notice it has about the same volume as the standard Pensil but rear ported? Is the taller more narrow design more fore smaller footprint or does it have a significantly different sound to the Pensil?
Last question.
I already own a pair of Alpair 12p's and can't decide which design to make. I don't really have the room for the Super Pensil. Recommendation on the next best smaller design if one has a sub woofer to through into the mix?

And a new item in the Himalaya series, for an evergreen driver pair. ;) Nanga Parbat, for the 10.3/10P.


  • Nanga Parbat 10.3-10P MLTL.PNG
    Nanga Parbat 10.3-10P MLTL.PNG
    115.3 KB · Views: 288
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While on the subject of MA boxes (several for other units in the pipeline which I'll shove up on this thread when I get my 12 year old desktop PC working again) -I suppose I should mention these:
I didn't name them (blame Stefan for that one), but I did design them for him. To be entirely up-front: although these are commercial kits, I don't get anything from them, so I'm not an 'interested' party. But they're straightforward 'starter' boxes which some might find useful, and offer an upgrade path since several are designed to be able to accept different drive units, the alignment suiting the requirements of each (yes, before anybody asks, that took a bit of juggling of volume & tuning to hit something that with minimal changes would give decent results with each of the drivers ;) ).
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Besides the footprint, can you comment on the sound differences between the pensils vs the Himalaya series. I have a pair MA 12p and wondering how different they would sound? Or are they similar but just designing different internal volume configurations…
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do you have any feedback/reviews on the Oberon standmounts? Basic DCR for the 10.3. Dimensions and extension look good, quality of sound is where I have questions. Am I selecting the correct driver for sound quality, or am I just getting more low end extension with the 10.3?

Construction questions,
i built a pair of superpencils, and I will use a derivative of its internal bracing for the DCR.

How do you offset the brace to accommodate the ports?

Do you brace the lower chamber?
Oops, I goofed up my question.

is the 10x the better of the drivers, or should I look into, for example, the chr120?

also, 2 build questions; how do I cut the internal brace to avoid the ports. Also, do I need to brace the lower chamber?

my apologies for the confusion.
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is the 10x the better of the drivers, or should I look into, for example, the chr120?
They're different; the 120 has about 40% more cone area, requires a larger cabinet, gets lower if given that, has slightly narrower polars by ascending frequency & so on. The 10 is arguably a bit more refined, so depends where your priorities lie.
how do I cut the internal brace to avoid the ports. Also, do I need to brace the lower chamber?
Essentially it's your choice: bracing in this design is optional rather than being in any way 'make or break' & I left it entirely in the hands of individual builders whether they wish to do so, & their preferred method.
Apologies if I should have asked the question in a new thread.

Does anyone have any thoughts about differences in the Uranus and Neptune designs for MA 12pw drawn by Scott that are available on the Mark Audio website?

Uranus is a double-chamber reflex and Neptune is a transmission line. Maybe Neptune will go lower and Uranus have punchier mid bass? Just taking a punt! How about impedance, which might be easier on a pp valve amp and suite a medium sized lossy room?? Thanks for any and all input.