Miscellaneous designs - Markaudio, Fostex, TB, Dayton, SEAS etc

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Twin Alpair 6.2m Standmount 0v8 design as it fits almost to a tee the space limitations and wife appeal factors I have to deal with. So I have a couple questions. First, I've looked some but can only find the drivers in listed on eBay, is there an updated Markaudio driver available from say Madisound that would work in this design?

The Alpair 6.2 (both paper & metal) were underappreciated and were discontinued. I have some available.

Would this design work as a bookshelf (29 inches high, ear height, 46 inches apart.)?

standmount = bookshelf. So yes. How it will work where you put them is another question.

I'm pretty sure the next answer is no, but can it be front ported?

Scott often puts vents on the back so that any HF leakage is inconsequential. As far as the bass tunign goes, yes they could be on the front, looks like you might be hard pressed to fit them.

If not, how close to a wall if I acoustically treat behind it could it sit?

Depends on the room.

I'm drawn to the Twin Alpair 6.2m Standmount 0v8 design as it fits almost to a tee the space limitations and wife appeal factors I have to deal with. So I have a couple questions. First, I've looked some but can only find the drivers in listed on eBay, is there an updated Markaudio driver available from say Madisound that would work in this design?

No, although Dave notes he has some in stock, and I believe Stefan at KJF Audio has some of the metal cone units in also. The A6 series didn't get the attention it really deserved and were slow sellers -a shame since they were nice units. They still have the tooling though & are not entirely discontinued -if a distributor wants them, they can still get them.

Would this design work as a bookshelf (29 inches high, ear height, 46 inches apart.)?

As Dave notes, more or less the same thing; the terms are often used interchangably.

I'm pretty sure the next answer is no, but can it be front ported?

No space on the baffle & I deliberately rear-vented to avoid duct noise leakage as Dave mentions.

If not, how close to a wall if I acoustically treat behind it could it sit?

Depends on what you do and how much space their is laterally & above, so no fixed answer to that. Reasonably close though, within 6in or less.
21 mm Russian Birch adaptation

I would like to start by thanking everyone for offering not only designs and expertise, but what I have found to be a mostly civil community here.

I am about to build my first pair and want to start with something small like the CHN50 Labyrinth above. My question is that I already have some beastly 21mm Russian birch plywood I get from work at a great deal.

To use that, would I only need to adjust the outside dimensions for the top/bottom and sides to keep the interior volume constant? Something like the attached?



  • CHN50 desktop acoustical labyrinth -metric AMENDED.pdf
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Hey Scott, early in this thread you posted a design for the 8in Seas FA22RCZ. I am interested in giving its smaller brother (FEA18RCZ) a go in the Seas application guide cabinet (19 litres BR). Have you had any experience with this driver and what do you think of the cabinet recommendation from Seas? Will this work or do you suggest a different application? Thanks for all the work you do and info you freely give to all us DIYers out here!
I just finished the compact series chamber tuned floorstander that Scott posted- I thought the design looked cool and went for it. These are my first full range build and I’m very impressed with the sound given the size of the driver. They have a really nice relaxing sound to them and, to my surprise, they did remarkably well with pop and hip hop at lower to moderate volumes. Awesome!

I have one question though - how exactly does this design work? Ive heard of dual chamber reflex but this seems to be three chambers? I’m pretty sure I’m hearing frequencies as high as 250hz coming out of the port.

I really want to try making something with the 11ms drivers now. I am thinking about the nostromo, water Buffalo, or pensil, but can’t decide whether the extra construction efforts for the water Buffalo or pensil would be worth it.


  • DEF6E1A5-DCA1-4A58-88D7-A762F5341767.jpg
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I appreciate that guys! I have built projects using a number of different full rangers including Jordan Eikona 2, Alpair 7.2, Alpair 7.3, Alpair 10P and recently Alpair 11MS all with good results. I do tend to lean towards more of a laid back sound with warmth and "gushyness". I had read somewhere that the big brother Seas FA22 had that characteristics but the size of cabinet it just a little big for me.. I'm hoping the smaller FEA18 might fit the bill....
Thanks again for your thoughts!