Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Brilliant thanks for the info, i will try and get that sorted tonight. I am using a mini
Nexx WT3020H router with a 128g sd card in there. The reason for using a NAS and not just an AP is that i want to stream movies from the NAS as well (to a tablet or phone) i am wanting to share as much kit as possible in the van. I am using a pi zero so i cant directly wire it to the router out the box unfortunately.
Yes, in the Configure>MPD section.

I was having wifi issues with an old 54bps router that I couldn't easily replace, so I upped the settings to 16384k buffer and 30% full:


sounds good, will try it.
Hi Tim - this all looks great - thanks! So, the advanced kernel won't support Pi Zero - but will the other updates to 2.7 still support the Pi Zero, or will that be limited to Pi2 and Pi3 also? Regards Adrian

Hi Adrian,

The Standard Linux kernel in Moode provides full support for the entire family of Raspberry Pi boards including the PiZero. The Advanced Audio Kernel only supports ARMv7l platform (Pi2B-3B).

Have the latest OS 2.7 running on RPi0-PhatDac, sounds excellent while playing flac files on attached microSSD. When I try to play from NAS (wifi connection) it intermittently hiccups.

Is there a buffer setting? or some adjustment to improve the streaming?


I've had such issues with certain wifi dongles. Switched to something else and the problem was gone. Currently, I have 2 "zero's" running Moode. One with pHatDAT and one with PlainDAC+
No issues with max resolution/bitrate files from NAS (45-50% of CPU max).

Wifi dongle

It all comes down to the chipset... the most common one used in USB WiFi dongles (the RTL8188CUS/EUS chip) doesn't natively support AP mode, although IIRC Tim might have sorted that out by now. That's the chipset used in the EW-7811Un. The Wi-Pi uses the RTL RT2800USB which doesn't support host AP mode, I believe... could be wrong on that, I've not used one and am going from second-hand info.

Edimax hasn't been a happy place for me, from a comms perspective.

If you can find an adapter that uses the RALink RT5370 chipset, it works out of the box.

I prefer to use ComFast - they have a cracking USB adapter with a +5db antenna that uses the RT5370. Cheap as chips, too: Ralink RT5370: USB Wi-Fi Adapters/Dongles | eBay

Hi, I'm interested in this item but I couldn't find any +5db model on this page, only +2db ...

Maybe you could point me to the exact model you're talking about?

Thanks a lot,

Which UPNP renderers does moode play well with? or perhaps more directly asked, which ones do you like/are familiar with?


Moode includes upmpdcli, a UPnP renderer for MPD. The About screen has link to home page for the author of this wonderful software component. You can turn on UPnP renderer in System config.

Once its running, you can play music through it from components in a UPnP/DLNA infrastructure.

If u are interested in learning how UPnP works and what components are necessary for it to function, try a bit of Google.

hello folks.

is there a user guide for moode?
I ask because I cannot fathom how to use the library view to play whole albums or when viewing an album's tracks, get it to continue playing the rest after clicking one in the list.
or playing a whole genre, or the entire work of a particular artist....

will moode ever have the feature of navigating a large library by artist index in order to zero in quickly? there is an album search box, but no way of searching for an artist?

I have USB attached storage for not just music - is there a way to restrict moode to certain directories?

how about bookmarking favourites?
The latest version of upmpdcli has support for Tidal, Qobuz and Gmusic. It does this by creating a new media server called something like moode-media server. You can select the service you configure and browse using any upnp control point.

You can download the latest packages from the Upmpdcli website.

Here are the usage notes, you will need to do some linux stuff, but even this windows admin managed to fudge my way through it so if you have some knowledge then it should work.

I have tried to paste how I managed to do it, there maybe an easier way , I am in a departure lounge on a dodgy tablet so if someone can tidy up the instructions if they have corrupted.

Note the Tidal issue mentioned, try the default mpd buffer size of 4096 bytes first but change to 2048 in the Moode UI if you get track skipping.

Also note at the moment your username and pw are in plain txt so see his recommendations. Don't put your Moode on the internet.

When upgrading the upmpdcli DO NOT LET dpkg overwrite the default conf file.

You can use the apt-get method JF suggests on his website but you will need follow links on his website to import the public keys for his repository, also I think there is more chance of breakage if you accidentally do an update all.

Oh and of course this is all at you own risk.

This is still a bit of a Work in progress but I think it mostly works now, I have used both Tidal and Qobuz. You can report issues at his git repository.

If you have Linn Kazoo or Bubble DS you can use the OpenHome feature to play the radio as discussed on the config page as well which I do.

How I did it (and then mangled to get the latest versions), again at your own risk.







sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libmpdclient2 libexpat1 libcurl3 libmicrohttpd10 libjsoncpp0

sudo dpkg -i libupnpp3_0.15.1-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i libupnp6_1.6.20.jfd5-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i upmpdcli_1.2.9-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i upmpdcli-qobuz_1.2.9-1_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i upmpdcli-tidal_1.2.9-1_all.deb

Any chance of getting Amazon prime or TIDAL as a service on moode?

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