Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


moOde 4.0 beta1 has been released to the beta test group :)

This first beta is running on all new Stretch-Lite OS core with latest upgrades to all system and audio components!



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Hi Tim

Apologize if this has already been asked....

When playing Internet Radio I can right mouse click on the default cover and select "open link in new tab" and I will get a tab with the current song playing and name of artist.

Is there a way to have Moode fetch cover art using the data/information it seems to already have?

Hi Ed,

Fetch it from where?


How about lastfm

album.getInfo Web Service – Web Services

Get the metadata and tracklist for an album on using the album name or a musicbrainz id.
Example URLs
JSON: /2.0/?method=album.getinfo&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&artist=Cher&album=Believe&format=json
XML: /2.0/?method=album.getinfo&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&artist=Cher&album=Believe


Rovi Cloud Services offers both front and back cover images of albums. And each image is available in multiple sizes.

Tivo Cloud Services - Rovi Cloud Services API Documentation

Sample API Request
API requests to Rovi Cloud Services are simple HTTP requests like the following, which asks for images of the album Birth of the Cool:
An exception to this request format is the SOAP-based APIs. Those APIs use a different request format as described in the documentation.


There are others....

How about lastfm

album.getInfo Web Service – Web Services

Get the metadata and tracklist for an album on using the album name or a musicbrainz id.
Example URLs
JSON: /2.0/?method=album.getinfo&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&artist=Cher&album=Believe&format=json
XML: /2.0/?method=album.getinfo&api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&artist=Cher&album=Believe


Rovi Cloud Services offers both front and back cover images of albums. And each image is available in multiple sizes.

Tivo Cloud Services - Rovi Cloud Services API Documentation

Sample API Request
API requests to Rovi Cloud Services are simple HTTP requests like the following, which asks for images of the album Birth of the Cool:
An exception to this request format is the SOAP-based APIs. Those APIs use a different request format as described in the documentation.


There are others....


I have looked at this sort of thing previously for use with UPMPDCLI using Grace note and one of the issues is that you can't guarantee you query brings back the particular album you are expecting.

Most radio stations only populate the icy metadata with the track and artist and so your api request is short of info means that the database source has to guess the album which does not always match the album being used by the radio station.

Also I had occasions of the database and the radio station differing on names causing the wrong artist and hence wrong album to be selected, especially if there are accented characters in the name.

The best solution is to check the Radio station itself, however not all of them display the current track data, or make easily available the album artwork and never in a standardised manner.

Some Radio stations don't even supply the supply meta data (shame on you BBC).

Sorry forgot to add that the API's only tend to be free to home users, if bundled with software especially paid software the it is not free So Gracenote and Rovi are not viable and I not sure if LastFM's no sub license cause also precludes its use.
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I have looked at this sort of thing previously for use with UPMPDCLI using Grace note and one of the issues is that you can't guarantee you query brings back the particular album you are expecting.

Most radio stations only populate the icy metadata with the track and artist and so your api request is short of info means that the database source has to guess the album which does not always match the album being used by the radio station.

Also I had occasions of the database and the radio station differing on names causing the wrong artist and hence wrong album to be selected, especially if there are accented characters in the name.

The best solution is to check the Radio station itself, however not all of them display the current track data, or make easily available the album artwork and never in a standardised manner.

Some Radio stations don't even supply the supply meta data (shame on you BBC).

Sorry forgot to add that the API's only tend to be free to home users, if bundled with software especially paid software the it is not free So Gracenote and Rovi are not viable and I not sure if LastFM's no sub license cause also precludes its use.

Hi, guys.

Pretty much the same problem of wrong selection crops up when ripping CDs and depending on publicly-accessible databases for metadata. The false positives drive me crazy.

@Serverbaboon beat me to the punch with the concern about licensing.

The TOS clause about sharing revenue with would seem to preclude Tim hardcoding his own key into a interface. As I understand the TOS, it seems possible he could freely supply an interface which allows each of us end-users to enter our own key, but I'm unclear how eager is to hand out developer keys to every Tom, Dick, and Harriett. I don't know anything about Rovi.

Displaying album art for tracks played from radio stations is an intriguing idea, though. It'd be great to see a solution.

I have looked at this sort of thing previously for use with UPMPDCLI using Grace note and one of the issues is that you can't guarantee you query brings back the particular album you are expecting.

Most radio stations only populate the icy metadata with the track and artist and so your api request is short of info means that the database source has to guess the album which does not always match the album being used by the radio station.

Also I had occasions of the database and the radio station differing on names causing the wrong artist and hence wrong album to be selected, especially if there are accented characters in the name.

The best solution is to check the Radio station itself, however not all of them display the current track data, or make easily available the album artwork and never in a standardised manner.

Some Radio stations don't even supply the supply meta data (shame on you BBC).

Sorry forgot to add that the API's only tend to be free to home users, if bundled with software especially paid software the it is not free So Gracenote and Rovi are not viable and I not sure if LastFM's no sub license cause also precludes its use.

Very good points and I agree.

Too bad more/all stations don't embed this info in their streams.
Okay Plan B.

Forgive my persistence.

How about having a user defined "Station" album art option when a new station is added....and/or even for an existing station.

For example.

Users can pic a jpg or png to show as album art for a station

Under "Station URL" put an option for "Web Radio Cover"

Okay Plan B.

Forgive my persistence.

How about having a user defined "Station" album art option when a new station is added....and/or even for an existing station.

For example.

Users can pic a jpg or png to show as album art for a station

Under "Station URL" put an option for "Web Radio Cover"



My dad used to say that half of life was showing up and the other half was being persistent to get things done.

I've had similar thoughts in the past when I first started exploring how radio station info is stored in moOde. (I've contributed some of the station logos.) Speaking only for myself it's doable but there's some jiggery pokery involved in making it work with the current squashfs architecture.
