My open baffle dipole with Beyma TPL-150

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Joined 2008
I'm afraid I don't keep my measurements, so I don't have the MLS files for everything I've done.... I don't measure for documentation, but use it as a guide for setting up XO and XO, and to tune the room acoustics.

I do have screenshots from the old system though, but no MLS data.

Below is recent ETC of the "old" system. Direct comparison with measurements of the "new" is a bit difficult, because CLIO dont adjust the highest impulse up to zero. But anyway, the room reflections were lower with the "old" system, but not all that much really.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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Joined 2008
Hello to all of you that has been following this thread.

I feel now that I have achieved everything I wanted to do in audio, and I must now strive for something even bigger in life. Its the right time for me to search for the upper harmonics in my soul rather than just the 2nd or 3rd harmonics in speakers: I will travel to Nepal to become a Buddist monk on this day April 1st 2011. The only audio-related item I will bring is a ZEN.
B&G RD75 vs Magnepan.

Hello everyone, I found this forum thread searching for information on dipole speakers, B&G RD75 planer transducers to be specific, I have finally caught up with the last post, it has been very interesting to read, I want to give my thanks to StigErik and all the other participants of this thread.

StigErik; you started on this adventure (in this thread) by using a ribbon tweeter and a variety of cone drivers in a number of configurations, your setup has evolved (so far) to using a B&G RD75 planer transducer and cone drivers for the bass, you have stated that you believe the B&G RD75 planer transducer setup to be the best you have heard so far. I also get the impression that you and others on this thread have a great deal of personal experience with many and various types of systems.

I have been searching the NET for information about the B&G RD75 planer transducer and so far I have found practically nothing, at least nothing useful to me. So, I hope nobody minds if I ask a question(s) that may be off topic, but the B&G RD75 planer transducer is currently in the spotlight in this thread, and there appear to be knowledgeable and experienced people involved in this thread that can possibly answer my question(s) or give me some direction.

In short the question(s) are; StigErik do you, or does anyone, on this forum thread have experience with both the Magnepans (stock or modified ... tri-amped for example) and the B&G RD75? Would any of you share your opinion of which system you believe has superior sound quality?

I personally would love to try both systems side by side and compare for myself, but that is simply not going to happen, it will have to be one or the other.

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Joined 2008
I did search the net as well, and didn't find much about the RD-75. That is strange since this driver has been around for at least 13 years as far as I know. The earliest report I've seen is from 1998, unfortunately its no longer available on the internet.

I've had the same though myself - it would be very interesting to compare the RD-75 and a pair of Magnepan speakers. I've heard Magnepan 1.6 ... not too impressing, but it was not in my own room... so I really don't know. I know a guy with a pair of active 1.6's (or 1.7...), I will contact him for a listen. Will report back if I get a chance to hear them.
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Joined 2008
After some weeks of using the RD-75 ribbon, I have a feeling that they sound much better than they originally did. Are they really subject to "break-in", or am I just getting more used to how they sound? Makes me wonder......

Over the last few days I've made a few changes to the EQ settings. The ribbons drops off 10 dB at 20 kHz. That can be EQ'ed, but to my ears it sounds better without EQ. The latest EQ curve looks like this:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.