My open baffle dipole with Beyma TPL-150

I got home and checked the impulse Response files I saved and the one I uploaded to the forum, it appears that I was mostly correct with my original understanding of how the program handles saving the Impulse Response file.

If you open the file in a text editing program or Excel spread sheet you will find that the file does contain the 1ms of sampling before the Highest Peak Response (the 0ms point), it is labeled with a negative prefix (example ... -0.001). The file also includes 15ms after the the 0ms point with no prefix (example ... 0.015).

So, nothing wrong with the file, just has 16ms of samples total (-1ms to 15ms) instead of the 5ms (-1ms to 4ms) I thought it contained. Remember the file format is in the .frd text format.

Just in case, here is another Impulse Response file I took this morning. This one really is just 5ms in time length (-1ms to +4ms).


  • 5ms Impulse April 30.txt
    42.4 KB · Views: 78

I just bought a pair of TPL150h and after a mis-manipulation i send them a full musical signal (without crossover) at a small level (<1W). Can this cause damage to the TPL ?

Besisdes, I'm trying to make a PC crossover like Stigerik but did not succeed in. It seems that Stigerik have a huge experience in this ... can you share a little ( i have ESI 1010e sound card)

I'm in an uncomfortable position ... i think i have damage my new acquisition :-( (for the moment i don't ear any difference but ...)

thank you for helping me,
Some questions ...

Hi Stig,

I got some questions :

1 - How do you using the Digital Audio Denmark AX24 ? does this device is sending signal to amplifiers or does it the RME Interface ?

2 - What is finally the maximum XO frequency for you H open baffle ? Sometimes the maximum possible seems 120 Hz and sometimes 200 Hz ... ?

3 - Do you think that your H baffle closer from the rear wall will increase the possible level in very bass frequency ?

Best regards
Jean Michel
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Joined 2008
1. The AX24 sends signal to the amps. The chain is like this:
Computer -> RME Fireface UC -> RME ADI-4 DD -> DAD AX24 -> Amps -> Speakers

The RME ADI4-DD is a format converter. The only multichannel digial interface on the Fireface is ADAT, which AX24 does not have, so I use the ADI4-DD to convert from ADAT to AES3.

2. I XO at 200 Hz now. That is also the absolute highest XO frequency possible with the large H-baffles.

3. It varies very little with different placement and distance to the walls.
1. The AX24 sends signal to the amps. The chain is like this:
Computer -> RME Fireface UC -> RME ADI-4 DD -> DAD AX24 -> Amps -> Speakers

The RME ADI4-DD is a format converter. The only multichannel digial interface on the Fireface is ADAT, which AX24 does not have, so I use the ADI4-DD to convert from ADAT to AES3.

2. I XO at 200 Hz now. That is also the absolute highest XO frequency possible with the large H-baffles.

3. It varies very little with different placement and distance to the walls.

Hi Stig,
Your setup between your computer and your amps is complex and expensive ...
Did you found a big difference with your config compared to a RME Fireface UC alone ?
Something is suprising , you seems using the volume control before the AD converter , do you think its a good solution ?
In my setup im using a RME fireface 400 it is more or less the same than the UC.

Best regards
Jean Michel
Disabled Account
Joined 2008
Indeed, the DAD converter is in a totally different league sonically than any RME box, that's why I invested so much money in this great converter!

Yes, my (digital) volume control is sitting in the Squeezebox, before the DAC. It's very handy, and does not compromize sound quality like a multichannel analog volume control potentially would do.
Indeed, the DAD converter is in a totally different league sonically than any RME box, that's why I invested so much money in this great converter!

Yes, my (digital) volume control is sitting in the Squeezebox, before the DAC. It's very handy, and does not compromize sound quality like a multichannel analog volume control potentially would do.

Anyway , for now i have other priority in the improvements of my system , for example i have to try H open baffles...
For a handy solution for volume control you coulf try "Window Volume Relay" available in RME forums , it allows to control the midi output volume of the RME with the computer volume control.
Indeed, the DAD converter is in a totally different league sonically than any RME box, that's why I invested so much money in this great converter!

Yes, my (digital) volume control is sitting in the Squeezebox, before the DAC. It's very handy, and does not compromize sound quality like a multichannel analog volume control potentially would do.

I'm am glad to hear that you are of the opinion, that using the Squeezebox to control the volume doesn't affect the sound quality, I was lead to believe that it may do. I have installed a 6 channel Pot to control the volume coming out of the six channel amp I have just built. Do you think it may affect the sound quality? I am tempted to remove it & stick with the Squeezebox volume.
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Joined 2008
I've said in this thread and a few others that my next audio build would be the BIGGEST I've ever done. And it is! It covers most of the rear wall in my room as you can see......

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

And by the way.... Its a diffractal diffusor. Effective down to about 40 Hz.
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Joined 2008
What are the dividers?

The large flat panels between diffusors, I mean.
Simple and cheap - 11 mm gypsum board, 600x1200 mm, just screwed to the sides of the diffusor boxes.

The diffusors themselves are made from 12 by 12 pieces of 48x48 mm pine lumber, mounted in a 600x600 mm MDF box to make it easier to stack them. The diffusor sequence is like this:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Disabled Account
Joined 2008
Can you give us an idea of what it does to the sound? Please try to be as unbiased as possible ;) .
Well - I started out with just two of those diffusors (600x600 mm) at the primary reflection points on the rear wall, and it was like ... "WHOW".... :p After getting a few (!) more, the effect is the same but much stronger of course.

What happens is a that everything sounds smoother and much much more detailed. Stereo image gets sharper and at the same time more spacious. It seems like the room coloration disappears without getting that uncomfortably dead feeling you get when adding too much absorption.