My_Ref Fremen Edition - Build thread and tutorial

Thanks very much for elaborating on the Jantzen cap sound. A lot of times, when I read "more detail" it means sharper sound, but not always more like music. These are worth investigating. I tried the Jantzen Superior caps in my tweeter xover and there was nothing outstanding about them. I guess that's good, but they weren't really "superior" to most others. Mundorf SIO is still my reference there. Perhaps the Jantzen Silver's are better in a line level app such as this. Lots of caps out there to try.

And try we must. For some reason relating to the design and its component's interactions, this amp does not sound best without a coupling cap. In this case, the best cap is NOT no cap. I was greatly disappointed that the amp sounded so unmusical without any cap. If you're using that as a reference, I think you might be headed the wrong way. The best cap is the one that sounds the closest to music. I'm sure we all have an idea of what that is, but it's probably somewhat different for everyone.

Great to see so many experimenting. No need to argue about which part might be better. Give your unbiased impressions, and more people will try duplicate experiments. In this way, we arrive at what might be a consensus, but usually there is no absolute right or wrong.

Tom E
If there is a difference in DC conditions either side of the coupling cap, then it cannot be good for sound quality to remove said coupling cap.
There is NO CHOICE. The coupling cap is there to BLOCK the differing DC bias.

If we are joining two pieces of equipment say a Source and a Receiver then a difference in DC bias in the out/in MUST be DC blocked. Again NO CHOICE.

If one or other of the connected devices has a DC blocking capacitor then the other does not ALSO need a DC blocking capacitor. ONE coupling capacitor is sufficient to block the differing DC bias voltages. But one cannot and must not delete both coupling capacitors if there is a difference in DC bias voltage.

To state that "best coupling cap = no cap" is technically wrong and may lead to damaged equipment.
late to the party again

:rolleyes:Hi Dario and all on this great thread.:cool:

Sorry to be late to the party but life took over for a while.:eek:

I have managed to squeeze a little time in too build this amp which I’ve just finished.

It's a mix of the full Boom (mostly) and a few parts that I’ve had in my parts bin.

I have 10,000uf Kendeil on the PSU and

‘’Also Mundorf Supreme are really interesting’’

Yup Dario

The above 1uf Mundorf supreme caps which I’ve used in plenty of my builds both tube and SS. I like them so let’s see how they sound in this amp.

I also have Amtrans carbons in the R10 slot so interesting to hear.

So I’ve powered up with no magic smoke let out and with no IP/LS connections
so far I have
DC offset
RC 5.6mV
LC 4.2mV

And all of the other voltages are around spec so looking good I hope.:)

It’s going to be Tuesday before I get chance to have a listen so fingers and toes crossed I’ll be back with some pictures and thoughts on the SQ.

If not then I’ll be back for help.:cheeky:

Good work guys,
I'm waiting a new pair to test but from what I remember my favourite direction was the opposite, but I can be wrong.

That matches my experience. Same direction for best sound in my system.

I was actually wrong... the best sounding direction is with K71's markings as the 1uF on PCBs, both Koldby and Lehmanhill were right ;)

Now that I've had the opportunity to test again the K71-4... these are really great caps for the price with full detail (even better than TC in this regard) but, sadly, a bit lacking in body and timbre accuracy.

Timbre accuracy is where TCs really shine, they're not perfect, though, they somewhat exagerate detail so that a 'hot' recording could sound harsher than it really is.

Mundor Supreme have a better balanced detail than TCs but lacks the TCs timbric neutrality, sadly.

Nevertheless in this moment the caps I'm enjoing more are the Supremes.

Can't wait to try the Jantzens.
Hi All
Well the good news is that another My Ref FE is alive and well and sounding really good.:)
As I mentioned previously it’s not quite the full on version but I really wanted to have a listen before committing to more expense and the listening has been quite a nice surprise.
I’ve used 2x 25V 300Va copper shielded Airlink transformers in my build which I’ve used before and always been happy with SQ and service wise. A great UK company to do business with.:cool:
BTW my build is dead quiet with no hum and just a wisp of hiss so good work on the board layout Dario all of your hard work has really paid off.
Whilst waiting for parts to arrive I had a read through all of the My Ref C threads which was interesting. I really enjoyed seeing the design develop and gained a respect for how much work has been put in over the years by Dario and others.
My set up
Buffalo 3 Legato directly into My Ref FE into PMC FB1+ (fairly flat 8Ohm transmission lines) with TelluriumQ black IC and LS cables.
I’ve not heard any of the My Ref before so it was interesting to hear the sound open up from switch on and boy did it do that.
To My ears the most obvious sonic quality is the Midrange which is just so open and makes for a really deep and wide soundstage. Lots of detail and really smooth in a way that I’ve only heard SE DHT triodes manage previously. Vocals are particularly impressive sounding clean, clear and natural. Top and bottom do a great job of underpinning the music with bass deep and tight but not overblown.
Treble is also sweet and clear.
Overall the sound has punch and dynamics a plenty.
A word on the Mundorf Supreme.
I’ve used them in the past and my opinion is broadly in line with Dario’s.
Great detail but a little tonally ‘’grey’’ which is how they arrived in my parts bin. I’ve used the Silver oils which sound a little better tonally but not much in that regard. The Mlytics on the other hand sound really good so I’ll be looking to swap those in for the Kendeils latter once things have settled down a little.
Anyone tried Cree diodes? I’ve had some good results with those in the past.
I will post some pictures after the testing has finished.
So thanks to
Mauro Penasa for a great design. It’s a great shame that you feel unable to join us here but if you are reading this. Come back and be amongst friends.:captain:
Dario for all of the years of hard work experimenting and also the great boards you produced. The wonderful build guide you produced made life so much easier.
Everyone who contributed to this and all of the other threads. Those posts have helped to understand this amp.
One word to any builders that come after me.
Clean the boards after soldering as mistakes can be missed on dirty boards. I used Isopropyl Alcohol to clean up any flux residue after each soldering session.
Back soon with a photo.
Hi Bob
Thanks for the welcome and yes I’m pretty impressed with the sound that the My Ref FE is making which seems to be improving as things start to settle.
I suspect that those Black gates will need a little time to break in but even as is its sounding great.
A very musical amp
And a nice surprise as I was unsure what to expect sound wise.
All good so far.
Hi All

Here is my build

I've used a Hifi2000 case to cover up my lack of metal work skills:eek:

but the builds I've seen here have been top notch


  • my ref fe 1.jpg
    my ref fe 1.jpg
    223.2 KB · Views: 279
Hi Bob

Yes 2 x chassis mount fuse holders up by the traffo’s one for each primary. only one cover on at the moment but I’m not going to be plunging my hand (or anything else in there) with it switched on.
Yes I’ve read the comments about putting the fuse between the switch and mains input but those 300VA transformers suck a lot of current at switch on. I’m not wanting to faf around with a soft start and I’ve always worked that way with big traffo’s without issues.
Oh by the way I forgot to mention that I have no switch on/off pops which is nice.
My home mains is newly installed so I’m happy enough with RCD protection should the 15A rated switch short.
Nope only the reckless would go fuse less
So good point well taken
Couldn't resist. Long ago I set up a folder for sharing musical examples to show what the MyRefs were capable of. This morning I rediscovered what I feel is a great example. It's corny, corney, corney - cause it has been selected for decades as a system test track. This one is the real deal :hphones:

The 1812 Overture recorded in "Mercury Living Presence" is one of the few where the recording engineer placed the instruments in the orchestra exactly where they should be. Beyond that, they captured the concert hall presence/ambiance as accurately as I've heard. The second track is a fun dialogue on how the recordings were made. BTW, Mercury used the same mikes as in the mono heyday that put them at the top of the trade in many of the "new" digital recordings.

CAUTION: The canons and bells are real and real loud - start at a low volume. The track is in flac format and if you need it translated please send me a PM.

1812 Track

Recording Description

P.S. If you don't have a digital player it's high time you took a look at Dario's Mini 2496 DAC development. :D:D

P.P.S. If you have difficulty getting the files send me a PM and I'll set you up as a collaborator. Hope the folder starts getting used a lot.
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