Retro Amp 50W Single Supply


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No ground and Q6 base not connected to where it should be ;)

(its a bit lacking on bias current too)

Thanks Mooly,

That got it working but it doesn't run right. Gain is very high. 0.5V on the input makes the negative wave clip. And right, bias is very low. Looks like Mile added a vbe multiplier to AX8. Maybe that is the one to build. I wonder if there is a layout for that one.

Blessings, Terry
Joined 2007
Paid Member
The gain is approximately equal to 1+(R18/R16) which is 45. Simulation bears that out with 64.4mv rms needed to obtain 2.86 volts output which is a gain of 44.5. The small discrepancy can be accounted for by the very small attenuation caused by R1 and the bias network.

The bias is easy to fiddle in simulation, just increase R11 to around 80+ ohms.