• These commercial threads are for private transactions. diyAudio.com provides these forums for the convenience of our members, but makes no warranty nor assumes any responsibility. We do not vet any members, use of this facility is at your own risk. Customers can post any issues in those threads as long as it is done in a civil manner. All diyAudio rules about conduct apply and will be enforced.

Simple High Performance DC Coupled Class A HPA with sub PPM THD

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB Status update. I finally have the audio lab dry and partially functional. Still in reconstruction mode with new carpeting and drywall still waiting for installation.

Here is the list that I have so far for orders:

Badboygolf16v - 2 sets, Paid
Dabore84 - 2 sets, Paid
funch - 1 set, Paid
kartk - 1 set, Paid
Yourownbuzz - 1 set plus Aksa Lender Pre TH and 2SA1837's, Paid
BabyDontHertzMe - 1 set, need PayPal address
Stellarelephant - 1 set, Paid
passive420 - 1 set, Paid
Pinnocchio - 1 set, Paid
vvs7 - 2 sets, Paid
Gwrskien - 1 set, Paid
Ernesternest - 1 set, Paid
jwjarch - 2 sets, Paid
ermine22 - 3 sets, Paid
Morde - 1 set, Paid
S610adam - 2 sets, Paid
pstech - 2 sets, Paid
Silasmellor - 1 set, paid
ravid - 1 set, Paid
Malvin 1 set, Paid
Hallcon83 1 set, Need PP address

If I am missing your name or quantities incorrect, please let me know. Will try to pack the PCBs in padded envelopes today.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB Status Update

Badboygolf16v - 2 sets, Paid
Dabore84 - 2 sets, Paid
funch - 1 set, Paid
kartk - 1 set, Paid
Yourownbuzz - 1 set plus Aksa Lender Pre TH and 2SA1837's, Paid
BabyDontHertzMe - 1 set, need PayPal address
Stellarelephant - 1 set, Paid
passive420 - 1 set, Paid
Pinnocchio - 1 set, Paid
vvs7 - 2 sets, Paid
Gwrskien - 1 set, Paid
Ernesternest - 1 set, Paid
jwjarch - 2 sets, Paid
ermine22 - 3 sets, Paid
Morde - 1 set, Paid
S610adam - 2 sets, Paid
pstech - 2 sets, Paid
Silasmellor - 1 set, paid
ravid - 1 set, Paid
Malvin 1 set, Paid
Hallcon83 1 set, Need PP address
icsaki - 1 set, Paid

3 boards remain (Babydonthertzme and Hallcon83 are part of the 3 that remain).
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB Status Update... there were a few more orders that I had not accounted for here on the DIYA list but show up on my PayPal invoices.

Badboygolf16v - 2 sets, Paid
Dabore84 - 2 sets, Paid
funch - 1 set, Paid
kartk - 1 set, Paid
Yourownbuzz - 1 set plus Aksa Lender Pre TH and 2SA1837's, Paid
BabyDontHertzMe - 1 set, need PayPal address
Stellarelephant - 1 set, Paid
passive420 - 1 set, Paid
Pinnocchio - 1 set, Paid
vvs7 - 2 sets, Paid
Gwrskien - 1 set, Paid
Ernesternest - 1 set, Paid
jwjarch - 2 sets, Paid
ermine22 - 3 sets, Paid
Morde - 1 set, Paid
S610adam - 2 sets, Paid
pstech - 2 sets, Paid
Silasmellor - 1 set, paid
ravid - 1 set, Paid
Malvin 1 set, Paid
Hallcon83 1 set, Need PP address
icsaki - 1 set + 1 more, Paid, Invoice #2 sent

There are 2 more boards left...
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Thanks for taking the time to get the boards mailed out, X. I was so sorry to hear about your flood. That’s something we dealt with often when I was growing up in the Midwest. Anything touching the floor usually ended up in the trash. Glad to hear you didn’t lose the important stuff and you’re recovering.
ahhh damn flooding sucks. happened to us a few years back because the drainage for our lot was blocked so water cascaded through our yard and basement. muddy electronics, meet the bin, and even pot plants were getting moved around the yard....
good to know the cleanup & recovery is progressing! I'm sure everyone will understand that that has to be your priority at the moment
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB Status Update:
Badboygolf16v - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
Dabore84 - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
funch - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
kartk - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
Yourownbuzz - 1 set plus Aksa Lender Pre TH and 2SA1837's, packed and shipping label generated
Gwrskien - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
Ernesternest - 1, packed and shipping label generated
Stellarelephant - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
passive420 - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
Pinnocchio - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
vvs7 - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
jwjarch - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
ermine22 - 3 sets, packed and shipping label generated
Morde - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
S610adam - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
pstech - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
Silasmellor - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
Malvin 1 set, packed and shipping label generated

*ravid - 1 set, Paid, need valid street address for PayPal shipping
*icsaki - 1 set + 1 more, packed and shipping label generated for first order, Invoice #2 sent
*obh - 1 set, Need PP address

only 1 board left

I removed Hallcon83 and BabyDontHertzMe since have not heard back from you for some time now regarding a PP address.
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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB Status Update:
Badboygolf16v - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
Dabore84 - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
funch - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
kartk - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
Yourownbuzz - 1 set plus Aksa Lender Pre TH and 2SA1837's, packed and shipping label generated
Gwrskien - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
Ernesternest - 1, packed and shipping label generated
Stellarelephant - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
passive420 - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
Pinnocchio - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
vvs7 - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
jwjarch - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
ermine22 - 3 sets, packed and shipping label generated
Morde - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
S610adam - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
pstech - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated
Silasmellor - 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
Malvin 1 set, packed and shipping label generated
*icsaki - 2 sets, packed and shipping label generated

*ravid - 1 set, Paid, need valid street address for PayPal shipping
*obh - 1 set, Invoice sent

1 board left
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB Status Update
Badboygolf16v - 2 sets, shipped
Dabore84 - 2 sets, shipped
funch - 1 set, shipped
kartk - 1 set, shipped
Yourownbuzz - 1 set plus Aksa Lender Pre TH and 2SA1837's, shipped
Gwrskien - 1 set, shipped
Ernesternest - 1, shipped
Stellarelephant - 1 set, shipped
passive420 - 1 set, shipped
Pinnocchio - 1 set, shipped
vvs7 - 2 sets, shipped
jwjarch - 2 sets, shipped
ermine22 - 3 sets, shipped
Morde - 1 set, shipped
S610adam - 2 sets, shipped
pstech - 2 sets, shipped
Silasmellor - 1 set, shipped
Malvin 1 set, shipped
icsaki - 2 sets, shipped
*ravid - 1 set, shipped
*obh - 1 set, shipped

No more boards left.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Verification build for PSU

I assembled the PSU and found a few typos in the schematic. The regulators are labeled A211 and A221, The positive rail regulator should be mounted in the position closest to the DC-DC converter (A221) and the negative rail regulator should be mounted at A211. The resistors on the cap Mx R231/R241 should be 10k and not 220R.

I had some trouble because of a bad batch of 7918 regulators. After trying 3 with no luck I installed a 7915 that I knew was good and it worked. So its is surprising at it is an ON Semi MC7918CTG from Mouser.

Anyhow, the circuit works but it looks like ideally we want to use the the nice LDOVR.com regulators with adjustment so that we can dial in the appropriate upstream voltage as there is about a 2.4v drop through the cap Mx.

I have it hooked up to a 10w 100ohm load (circa 150mA on each rail) at present and doing burn in.




So the PSU works if f you follow this revised schematic below.


  • SHPA-PSU-Build-01.jpg
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  • SHPA-PSU-Build-02.jpg
    315.8 KB · Views: 5,916
  • SHPA-PSU-Build-03.jpg
    259.2 KB · Views: 836
  • S-HPA-COMPLETE_001a_page2.pdf
    29.4 KB · Views: 435
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
The PSU has now been tested with the amplifier (hand etched proto). Running at about 95mA bias current. The common heatsink for the 7818 and 7918 is at 60C. With adjustable LDOVR.com regs we can adjust voltage to about 3v higher to compensate for the dropout in the cap Mx, so overall dissipation on heatsink for the regulators will be about 50% less. Right now it is dropping 6v from 24v to 18v. Listening to it sounds great. Measured noise at headphone outputs with no signal input is 0.0mV to 0.1mV rms.


Ready to move onto building and verifying the main amp board now.


  • SHPA-PSU-Tested-04.jpg
    443.7 KB · Views: 498
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