Slewmaster - CFA vs. VFA "Rumble"


come on boys back on the thread please.


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That looks like one of the simplest input sections to stuff and build, is this your favorite input section of all that you have built for sound quality? Thanks for all the hard work, you do make it look so damned easy. Nice work.

This was designed as a "intro" into the slewmaster "world". Maybe some
chip-amp builders would have interest.

That looks like one of the simplest input sections to stuff and build, is this your favorite input section of all that you have built for sound quality? Thanks for all the hard work, you do make it look so damned easy. Nice work.
is this your favorite input section of all that you have built for sound quality

No it isn't ,but isn't bad ,maybe with other i.c singing better .
I have test this for symmetrical clipping ,it is beautiful without sticking and saturation.
BTW which other i.c will work on this?
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is this your favorite input section of all that you have built for sound quality

No it isn't ,but isn't bad ,maybe with other i.c singing better .
I have test this for symmetrical clipping ,it is beautiful without sticking and saturation.
BTW which other i.c will work on this?

Any dual 8 pin DIP should work - watch the total current that the IC uses and
read the NOTE on the eyesee schema . ratio might need to be adjusted.

If i correct remember the current measurement for this tl072 is about 3ma.
Is this ok?
Are all dual 8 pin DIP pin compatible?

2.5ma per individual amp. Which gives 5ma .

R6/12 ratio is 47/33R = 1.42

5ma from the IC gives 7.1ma on the VAS. subtract the ma
of the Hawksford LEDS , and your final ma will be at output.

If you are only getting 3ma total , your R6/12 ratio would have to be
over 2:1 (68/27R).
TI specifies 1.4 ma to 2.5ma(per amp) ... WOW ! You might have to go 68R for R6/8.

Fix the "infidel"....

NO reason to let a CFA fast VFA go to waste over a little thermal

(Below) is what BV proposed. RAW "dirt" simple.

- still fast (300V/us++) .

- lost a little PSRR .. -78db .

- lost a little THD20K - .0018%@ 4R .

But ! .05ma !! :eek: output current change from 0 -50C !

Just 58 components , as well.

PS- it seems D3 and D4 trim the last bit of co-efficient from the amp
as a whole - excellent work , BV ! :cool:


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NO reason to let a CFA fast VFA go to waste over a little thermal

(Below) is what BV proposed. RAW "dirt" simple.

- still fast (300V/us++) .

- lost a little PSRR .. -78db .

- lost a little THD20K - .0018%@ 4R .

But ! .05ma !! :eek: output current change from 0 -50C !

Just 58 components , as well.

PS- it seems D3 and D4 trim the last bit of co-efficient from the amp
as a whole - excellent work , BV ! :cool:

Check this schematic for errors. I did this to make it easier to modify the existing layout


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Check this schematic for errors. I did this to make it easier to modify the existing layout

Quite concise. But , don't forget to replace all BCxxx with KSA/C (B-C pin swap).
BCxxx can't handle rails .

PS - We'll get these "problem circuits". These... (Kypton V , Eyesee , Infidel) are not common
fare on the forum (NOT "blameless's" ). We will bring these excellent IPS's into the "mainstream".

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