TABAQ TL for Tangband

Still quite fast! did the glue have time to dry! :)

The spx32-m seems like the best from Monacor... I remember looking at other drivers from them, and most had ragged FR curves.

If you can order from places like Aliexpress, here are the two drivers I have used that sounded pretty good, after adding a small notch around 5 or 8kHz.

The best one is the beige paper cone. Amazing bass in the TABAQ, yet refined enough up in the higher frequencies.

The black cone and red whizzer was cheaper, but also a good performer, not as clean as the beige, but still good enough to amaze a friend who begged me to give them to him.

He put them in his restaurant that plays classic rock all day long.
The glue got 24h so not worried about that.. :) i actually don't think i need any filter on them.. have to do some mere listening first..
That beige one says MarKAudio&CHP75. You can get MA drivers on AliExpress? Or is that a knock off trying to do a similar name but added the & and made it one long word?

Edit: must be a fake as there is no Mark Audio CHP75 model to be seen officially.

They took out the comparison to MA drivers on the newer seller's page...

全新 4吋全音域發燒喇叭單體(進口紙盆/橡膠懸邊)單顆價/Q軟耐聽!!(推薦款) - 露天拍賣

Here's the translation for the link above, and.I'm going to share the DATS readout and REW sweep as well (I opted for a narrow notch at 6.5kHz later on, instead of the usual BSC, so I could keep the reach up high as much as I could):

Recommended by the manager (the overall workmanship and the sense of hearing have a certain degree)

At present the dust cover is conical

This 4-inch full-tone unit, this paper basin made of imported pulp, is thin, light, and rigid, with well-designed rubber hemming and thick cast aluminum basin frame, the overall performance is very good, the mid-low frequency Q bomb is resistant to hearing The treble details are clear, and it is comfortable to listen to without pressure for a long time. For DIY friends, another different choice ~

Power: 40W

Impedance: 4/8 ohm

Efficiency: 92db

Hole diameter: 98mm

Horn diameter: 120mm


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I had to fix the beaming with the w5-1611saf, which was just too much for my taste.

Added a closed chamber tweeter on top. Not really any volume lost inside the line, and now it sings.

Next will be to clean them up and paint them.
I have a Tron-like idea for them.


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with a full Eq correction = sounds REALLY nice , but they need at least 30 real watts to get decent volume , i drive them with an SMSL SA-98 ( for the gift package to my stepdaughter )

i'll have to make a BSC for her and it will certainly sound not as good as a full eq with a DSP ;(

i also made plywood cabinet buy the girls prefers plain wood :spin::spin: , she decides , it's for her after all :)
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I had to fix the beaming with the w5-1611saf, which was just too much for my taste.

Added a closed chamber tweeter on top. Not really any volume lost inside the line, and now it sings.

Next will be to clean them up and paint them.
I have a Tron-like idea for them.

Woww that's a nice idea to use a small tweeter just on top of the main driver, but I really really really waiting to see the Tron paint design...;)

w5-2143 pdf planset here , sounds quite good with a DSP correction ( BSC most of all )


ohhhh wowwww such a nice wood, excellent build congrats, yes use a parametric EQ is good idea but the beaming problem on the W5-2143 can be completely solved just if you add somehow a tweeter like Perceval did, me too I build a Tabaq with W5-2143 and after try lots of option EQ included I add an external twitter and now no matter where my listening point is beaming problem gone....all the best
I have plenty off time due the Covid-19 lockdown so I set up for give a measurement to the W5-2143 beaming response.

I used REW with a Minidsp umik-1 calibrated mic and here the results.

All the best.....


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Your scale is huge for the dBs.
Narrow it down to 40 to 100 dBs to really see what's happening.
Because of the huge scale, everything is compressed and looks fairly flat.

That will change when looking at things a bit more closely.

I can tell you that I would put a notch from 1kHz to 5kHz.

You'll see it when you zoom in.
with a full Eq correction = sounds REALLY nice , but they need at least 30 real watts to get decent volume , i drive them with an SMSL SA-98 ( for the gift package to my stepdaughter )

i'll have to make a BSC for her and it will certainly sound not as good as a full eq with a DSP ;(

i also made plywood cabinet buy the girls prefers plain wood :spin::spin: , she decides , it's for her after all :)

Forgive the off topic comment, but with your username you 'must' be the same person who frequented the old RD Forum in the UK some years back? It's a small world, as Bare is here as well!
I have x1 TABAQ with Visaton FRS8M and I have a weird interaction. When listening to music it doesnt matter if its pop, rock, electro, house, etc. At the point of the low frequency range the drivers just goes almost silent and when the bass part is over it just start to sound louder. However some songs doens't have this weird interaction even if there is low frequency range it sounds great, but some of them just doesn't sound right. And songs, that doesn't have this issue they sound way louder then the ones with the problem. Is this problem related to my DSP which has high pass at 50Hz/LK24 and low pass at 20kHz/LK24 (dsp is t.racks mini 4x4)
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Forgive the off topic comment, but with your username you 'must' be the same person who frequented the old RD Forum in the UK some years back? It's a small world, as Bare is here as well!

Yep , Uk forum disappeared , i mostly did the same thing from the motorcycle world , as after crashing too much times on race bikes i can't anymore crash without 30s daylife ending ( too much hardware near blood main circuit )

i still port some barrels and most of all play with Gp bikes since early 2010 years :D
I have x1 TABAQ with Visaton FRS8M and I have a weird interaction. When listening to music it doesnt matter if its pop, rock, electro, house, etc. At the point of the low frequency range the drivers just goes almost silent and when the bass part is over it just start to sound louder. However some songs doens't have this weird interaction even if there is low frequency range it sounds great, but some of them just doesn't sound right. And songs, that doesn't have this issue they sound way louder then the ones with the problem. Is this problem related to my DSP which has high pass at 50Hz/LK24 and low pass at 20kHz/LK24 (dsp is t.racks mini 4x4)
Could be that your amp is running out of steam. I had similar symptoms running TABAQ’s with P830987 (83.56 dB) drivers using a small Class D 20W amp.
Your scale is huge for the dBs.
Narrow it down to 40 to 100 dBs to really see what's happening.
Because of the huge scale, everything is compressed and looks fairly flat.

That will change when looking at things a bit more closely.

I can tell you that I would put a notch from 1kHz to 5kHz.

You'll see it when you zoom in.

Thanks you are right, here with zoom.....all the best


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I thought that amp is the problem but I run it with Koda KD-261 which is rated 110 wRms@8ohm and I tried T.Amp E-800. Could it be that i'm not driving them with enough power? Because I'm actually careful with the volume knob. My primary source was phone at like 50% through DSP which is at 0dB gain and volume on Koda KD-261 was 1/4 and on T.Amp was like 1/5.

And another thing, when i check the input on my DSP even when i use full volume on my pc or my phone the gain on the DSP is in range of -10dB and -20dB. That means I lack input?