TABAQ TL for Tangband

Thanks for the help everyone. After some consideration, I am going to switch to the 3FE22 and use the original port. I get the impression the 3FE22 is a better performer. If you are going to be a bear, be a grizzly. Fingers crossed.

That's great news, irishpatrick, IMO the 3FE22 and 3FE25 are the best value 3in FR drivers around. I can get the 3FE25 for £21 per pair here in the UK.

Check out my thread TABAQ with FaitalPro 3FE22, Bjorn made a slightly adjusted sim especially for the 3FE22, which I have used with the 3FE25 as well, and I modelled it into a folded enclosure that is a nice tall bookshelf form factor, with the port on the front baffle.
That's great news, irishpatrick, IMO the 3FE22 and 3FE25 are the best value 3in FR drivers around. I can get the 3FE25 for £21 per pair here in the UK.

Check out my thread TABAQ with FaitalPro 3FE22, Bjorn made a slightly adjusted sim especially for the 3FE22, which I have used with the 3FE25 as well, and I modelled it into a folded enclosure that is a nice tall bookshelf form factor, with the port on the front baffle.

Wowww very nice folded Tabaq I check your thread for the 3FE22...:cheers:
Finally got my "bookshelves" TABAQ done. 110g stuffing was a little too much, the bass didn't come through. After I took out 30g of stuffing, it was impressive how much bass these 5” woofers produced. It's almost comparable to my Klipsch with 8" woofers. Now I am trying out different amounts of stuffing from 40g to 80g and see where the sweet spot is.

How much stuffing are you guys putting inside your TABAQ Tall?

Hi again,
looking at the Tabaq_update pdf, 2 plans are drawn, naturally I chose the "wrong" one.
Anyway it sounds really good, but why not build another one.
Just adding to some confusion regarding the portlength.
In robskillz plan it says portlength is 97mm.
I made a Cad-drawing of the plan and my math says portlength is 89 mm.
57mm + 12mm (front) + 12mm (port to front) + 8mm (1/2 of port) = 89mm
Is my measurments wrong or did I miss something.



  • Tabaq_12mm_robskillz.pdf
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Finally got my "bookshelves" TABAQ done. 110g stuffing was a little too much, the bass didn't come through. After I took out 30g of stuffing, it was impressive how much bass these 5” woofers produced. It's almost comparable to my Klipsch with 8" woofers. Now I am trying out different amounts of stuffing from 40g to 80g and see where the sweet spot is.

How much stuffing are you guys putting inside your TABAQ Tall?

Nice and clean!

I'm still running after gremlins with my W5-1611... lacking bass presence... it's either too much stuffing, or a leak somewhere in my line.

But, I think I will go on the low side ... maybe 60g.

Constructive comment for the next one... If you had made your base/vent wider than the towers, it would have given them more stability.
Nice and clean!

I'm still running after gremlins with my W5-1611... lacking bass presence... it's either too much stuffing, or a leak somewhere in my line.

But, I think I will go on the low side ... maybe 60g.

Constructive comment for the next one... If you had made your base/vent wider than the towers, it would have given them more stability.

A friend of mine has built a folded TABAQ design with both the W5-1611 and the W5-2143. He found that for his taste in bass, he needed much less stuffing than what Bjorn advises. I believe he has no stuffing at all in the pair with the W5-2143s, and about half the recommended weight in the pair with the W5-1611s. I have not listened to the latter much, but the former seems not to be too boomy at all...
Finally got my "bookshelves" TABAQ done. 110g stuffing was a little too much, the bass didn't come through. After I took out 30g of stuffing, it was impressive how much bass these 5” woofers produced. It's almost comparable to my Klipsch with 8" woofers. Now I am trying out different amounts of stuffing from 40g to 80g and see where the sweet spot is.

How much stuffing are you guys putting inside your TABAQ Tall?

Great! In mine I use "default" 110 g of stuffing. Bass is very good, but line output is at the front and speakers are standing near wall. In my small room bass seems richer comparing to Tannoy DC6T SE.
Hi again,
looking at the Tabaq_update pdf, 2 plans are drawn, naturally I chose the "wrong" one.
Anyway it sounds really good, but why not build another one.
Just adding to some confusion regarding the portlength.
In robskillz plan it says portlength is 97mm.
I made a Cad-drawing of the plan and my math says portlength is 89 mm.
57mm + 12mm (front) + 12mm (port to front) + 8mm (1/2 of port) = 89mm
Is my measurments wrong or did I miss something.


Hi Altes,

you just missing 8mm because the line is calculated in the middle of the port.....all the best


  • Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 10.54.20 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 10.54.20 PM.png
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Nice and clean!

I'm still running after gremlins with my W5-1611... lacking bass presence... it's either too much stuffing, or a leak somewhere in my line.

But, I think I will go on the low side ... maybe 60g.

Constructive comment for the next one... If you had made your base/vent wider than the towers, it would have given them more stability.

Yea good tips, I thought about cutting out the bottom board bigger for stability then I saw some nice metal brackets and pointy feet on AliExpress. But then I figured I just gonna keep this as a cheap build and skipped them. My tabaqs are quite wobbly. Glad I live by myself so it should be fine for time being. Beside the $160 for the woofers I only spent like$5 for some clips and jacks.

I find these woofers very beamy. I am not sure if I am using the right term but I have to toe in these babies directly facing me to get some nice treble.

I compared using 80g stuffing vs none. With no stuffing the sound is a little boxy and boomy. With 80g, it sounded more refined. 40g sounded okay too.

I think the sweet spot is somewhere between 40g to 80g according to your taste.
I really like to have a clean look so I moved the port to the back so the front would be all laminated.

I thought about veneering it too but for the time being I will just leave it as is.

How much stuffing did you put in yours btw?


You can also just sand paper the rough part until very smooth and then just paint with glossy polyurethane 3/4 coat, very simple and not expensive giving an unusual classy touch to the Tabaq....;) ....oh in mine I put no more than 60-70 gr of stuffing ....ciaooo
Here's two frequency sweeps I did on my TABAQs. Both speakers performed almost identical. I ended up with 60g of stuffing. Using either 60g and 80g doesn't seems to make much of a difference.

This is 0 degree and 1 meter away from the woofer. The -10dB mark is around 65Hz. Couldn't get Bjørn's 35Hz simulation in real life.

This is putting the mic almost touching the driver at 0 degree. The driver has very flat frequency response. -10 dB mark is at 50Hz.
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Here's two frequency sweeps I did on my TABAQs. Both speakers performed almost identical. I ended up with 60g of stuffing. Using either 60g and 80g doesn't seems to make much of a difference.

This is 0 degree and 1 meter away from the woofer. The -10dB mark is around 65Hz. Couldn't get Bjørn's 35Hz simulation in real life.

This is putting the mic almost touching the driver at 0 degree. The driver has very flat frequency response. -10 dB mark is at 50Hz.

what kind of microphone did you used?