The Boominator - another stab at the ultimate party machine

I'm about to glue it all together in the weekend. Just to make sure I understood everything right:

I will use 2-component epoxy resin adhesive to glue the drivers to the center brace, acrylic sealant for drivers and tweeters to front baffle and wood glue for the cabinet.
Between front baffle and speaker are grill and gasket, can I just fix them all with acrylic sealant?

I will round over the edges of cabinet, handles and driver holes with a radius of 12 mm using a router. Right?
I'm about to glue it all together in the weekend. Just to make sure I understood everything right:

I will use 2-component epoxy resin adhesive to glue the drivers to the center brace, acrylic sealant for drivers and tweeters to front baffle and wood glue for the cabinet.
Between front baffle and speaker are grill and gasket, can I just fix them all with acrylic sealant?

I will round over the edges of cabinet, handles and driver holes with a radius of 12 mm using a router. Right?

Low modulus silicone sealer to glue the drivers to the baffle, remove the rubber surrounds from the grille and sandwich the edges between the drivers and the baffle, the silicone sealant squishes through the grille holes and hold it all together.
2 pack epoxy "liquid metal" to glue the driver magnets to the centre brace
2 pack epoxy glue or strong wood glue for the cabinet....

Hope this helps
Hi all, so currently I am collecting parts, building a boominator as close to the original design from Saturnus. I am just wondering if anyone has used a pre-amp, with volume control, inside their build.

I read through the thread as much as I could, did a few searches. I noticed a few people are using external pre-amps, and some are using passive ones. I am just looking to add some form of hardware volume control, preferable with a pre-amp.

I have ordered the cAMP, and I was looking at something like this: Sure Electronics Control Board

But I don't think this really amplifies the signal, it just lowers the input. I'd love to hear what others have used or any advise.

so I have ordered 2x hp10w and 2x P.Audio PHT-407N for my halfinator.. I can't seem to find any decent diagram on how to wire it, or explanation, is it the same as the boominator that I don't need a crossover just a couple resistors and caps or is that only the with the mtp 001. I'm a bit confused with the whole stereo to mono wiring part.

Could someone help me?
Also what is the best sketch up design to go with?
Any help appreciated.
Thanks Aterren,

I have spent hours looking through all of the halfinator/ half boominator pages.

Its really annoying because I have found out everything I need to know, apart from one thing.

That being the center brace being with or without holes, (with holes being mono, without being stereo)
Some people agree, some people disagree. Maybe its a personal preference but once I build it one way, it's hard to go the other way :)

stereo sounds good but apparently has some problems, and it's changing the way the original boominator is.

it's a difficult one :/
Because I really want to start building!
Got it. The halfinator is a bit less traveled path and I haven't built one so I can't help much with the details. I do recall reading that Saturnus said solid for stereo and holes for mono. Maybe someone with first hand experince will comment. If not, just build one flip a coin. You can always cut some ply and try the other configuration. :)
Yeah I was thinking that, but all the dimensions of the box changes to compensate for the loss of the holes. Oh well I think I will go with the holes because all of the halfinators that I have seen only have them, and I want to build it like a boominator. I also saw that Saturnus didn't agree with not having them so I'm going to take the master of boominators word for it :D
I don't think the volume change will be meaningful (you could calculate the difference and just make it a few mm longer if you are concerned my guess I'd it would only be a few mm). I also did see a post where Saturnus said if mono then use holes if stereo no holes.

Keep us posted on how you make out.

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Hi all, looking for a a bit of help with my boominator mini. I did something stupid when I was in a rush and ended up.causing a short between the Bluetooth unit and my maxamp20. Current draw of the Bluetooth went through the roof until the thin gauge wires burnt out so I figure that isdead but I'm tryingoing to figure out what other damage I have caused.

Using the 3.5 jack I still get sound from the speakers but it's very quiet and missing a lot of range. There are no visual signs of the short on amp. I figure the problem could be either the amp, the cross overs, or the speakers. Same problem exists with any combination of left or right speakers plugged into left or right amp outputs.

Can anyone give any suggestions on how to trouble shoot this?
Ended up going with holes in the center brace, coming along really nice. I modded the electronic component to be a little smaller as well as rearranged the speakers/port position, so it's standing up and using pht407n but all of the internal dimensions are as the original. Love the wood finish think I might varnish it. Just waiting for the amp, xo components lifepo4 battery to arrive :)
Love this speaker so far and I haven't even heard it going yet.


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Nice build Camerong.

Thanks for your help Aterren. I managed to pinpoint it to a blown bluetooth unit (unsurprisingly) and a busted 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable. The amp and speakers all sound fine with a new audio cord. I took a round about way of getting there so now have two max amps but that isn't such a bad outcome, good excuse for another project.
If one built a boominator but never installed the 47ohm resistors to the piezo tweeters, only two hp10w and two crappy piezoz (all in paralell) on each channel of the maxamp20, what is the probable/possible consequences?

I'm asking because, well this is embarassing, i did that and am experiencing major problems with the amplifier clipping/cutting/whatever it's called, even at fairly low volumes. I've done all the troubleshooting i can think of without having to tear the speaker compartment apart but i'm afraid its time to bring out the old crowbar. Basically just wanted to make sure first that it isn't completely impossible that the problem is linked to my shitty wiring.

Oh, and any alternative theories would be greatly appreciated :) However i've already tried 14v input current with the boombox without results. Also using an other couple of speakers with the amp and 12v battery which worked flawlessly.