The DAO SE all-FET Class-A ZGF Headphone Amplifier

More images of the beta build.

The power supply in my case is configured as CregC, so a total of 80.000uF of capacitance with 4 cap multiplier boards nested inside to supply the needed +/-24V.
The cap multipliers are sitting on the capacitor boards with the TO-220 devices attached to the 5mm heat spreaders top and bottom.

Personal remark: it doesn't get more compact for a power supply of that quality level, all packed in roughly 80 x 80 x 80mm!

The toroid is custom wound by Rondo Müller in Germany and actually bigger than I had planned which makes the package even tighter,
but feel free to go with the toroid that EUVL has specc'd in the BoM. The shielding on my toroid seems to work with no hum to be heard.


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To supply the crossfeed the beta build employs a pair of Didden regs on even more compact boards... those are not for the faint of heart and require your best soldering
(32 parts when I counted correctly on both sides of the each board). They supply +/- 9v of highest quality for the buffer on the Crossfeed.

Note: Three pcb's shown. ;)


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The Didden regulators are approx. 11x35mm and 78xx / 79xx compatible.
The choice of components is somewhat different from the original.

I like the CRegC module in particular.
It came out much better than I thought.



once again I am Interested very much In your regulators compatible with 78xx / 79xx
quality Is pristine as how they look
same for CRegC
A clarification for the batch 1 subscribers as requested :

A Q-Set consists of all the matched FETs that you need to build the DAO TCS and the HAGS, as well as for the X'feed buffer.
It does not include other semiconductors such as Zener & rectifier diodes, regulators, .... etc.
There is no point for us to supply you with anything you can easily get from e.g. Mouser.
And you have the freedom then to deviate from the standard BoM as you wish.

In particular,
the LU1014s were bought as pre-matched devices from Deep Surplus, and then further curve-tracer matched in a triode cell under temperature control.
You will not get better match than that.

Stixx bought his DAO around Saturday and we measured it with my AP System 1.
With a load of 60 ohm, and output amplitude of 1.2Vrms, distortion through the entire amp (XFD, HAGS, DAO) was -90dB.
It was entirely 2nd harmonics. 3rd and 4th were below noise level at -110dB.
And it actually agrees very well with simulation.

But I was still annoyed with myself that the 2nd harmonics was not 100% cancelled by the TCS.
So I thought long about what the cause might be, and how it could be improved.
Going back to simulation for verification, I think I can now reduce the 2nd also to -110dB.
Only needs changing the value of 1 resistor.

