The "Elsinore Project" Thread

Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi all,

Please take into consideration half the time i,m not sure what you guys mean when describing different aspects of a speaker so feel free to educate me with my laymans description.

Jeez Joe now youv'e done it.;)

Cheers spoonted.

spoonted, you provided a perceptive description in understandable language - no mambo jumbo. Thanks for sharing your impressions and congratulations with your successful Mk 5.

Thanks again to Joe.
Liquid gold in my ears

Hey Guys
Just spent large portion of the weekend listening to MK5 (the missus a little bit cranky!!)

Some old favorites, some new ones!.......

Its just like I got a new CD collection ...again

Lower register is tighter and more defined...but still dynamic...clear, tight and deep.
Music sounding more "3D" than ever

Thanks Joe, you've done it again....

For what its worth, my reference is Aja- MoFi Gold (try and find one!). It will take you breath away on the Elsinore MK5's. Production values on this recording are killer.

Go forth and listen.:D
I think Waveguide from Monacor WG-300 could be quite well used in this design , (of course it would be necessary to remove the front plate of the tweeter ).


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attached pictures Wavegiude from Monacor

I have a pair of those Monacor Waveguides here. I actually have then with the monacor DT300 fitted to the Linear Current Loudspeaker (which was supposed to have become DIY and now has taken on a commercial tangent).

This Waveguide is OK for larger domes and this is not suitable for the Elsinores. Also they are two deep and the offset (how far they are mounted into the box relative to the position of other drivers) is too deep.

But it would have been nice to have bean able to buy a WG of the shelf, and I did look around.

Mind you, if I was doing the Elsinores from scratch, the Morel CAT378 did catch my eye as worth trying. It is 8 Ohm and sensitivity looks about right, so does the Z plot. It would have made the front panel construction of the Elsinore boxes simpler too.


But alas, I don't think that will happen as chaninging that driver would need a full redevelopment of what I have just done with the Mark 5, and pretty sure the Mark 5 will be the last - and the proviso has always been that any earlier Elsinores can be upgraded to latest spec, and this is about the stage where I can see the limit has been reached. Not putting that in concrete, but that's my thinking now...

Cheers, Joe
Internal crossovers

Hello all. I've been following this thread for a long time. I finished my build of the Elsinores (MK3, then 4 - I'll get to MK5 when I can figure out the logistics of making the waveguide) about a year ago and I grow more happy with them everyday. Everyone talks about the dynamics, but I have been impressed by the way they disappear for such a large speaker. Over the past year, I have been focusing on making improvements to the front end (new DAC, refining the computer playback, etc...) and each time I make an improvement, the strengths of the speakers actually get hi-lighted even more. Thanks Joe for designing a great speaker!

Anyway, my question is a simple one, I think. I currently have the crossovers in an external box. I would like to move them inside the cabinet so I can clean up the wiring and eliminate a connection - and just to get the crossovers out of the way. Are there any issues with putting them inside, or would the cabinet size need to be adjusted to account for the volume the crossovers would take up?
Joined 2003
Paid Member

Have to take back for recessed screw holes. should be fine for machine screws as well. wood type screw for plywood is good but not so good for MDF


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Hello Joel, I posed a similar suggestion to Joe on this same dilemma, the back portion to match the tweeter flange contour. It was to think of the tweeter flange as an inclusive part of the waveguide and not something that mounts to the guide. In this respect one could first machine the back face that would accept the tweeter in the same fashion the tweeter accepts the (original Peerless) flange, and by doing so the plate (aluminum) can be flipped back over to machine the mouth, throat and flare at the exit. This I think will eliminate the additional attention to the tweeter/flange matching the guide. In essense the tweeter (without flange) would mount directly to the waveguide!
I could include a drawing if you do not see the image in your head!
I was wandering if rob323 or someone else has finished there hamlet project.

I,m very keen to make some based on MK5 version.


I would need a pair of the boxes here fitted with the drivers - then add Waveguide and then do a significant amount of work - the drivers are measured in situ, both electrical acoustic measurement, all which are imported into computer modelling where the initial crossover can be developed. Then the crossover needs to be physically constructed and tested and additional changes needed from there. Naturally we are talking about listening and then matching the tonal balance of the Elsinores.

We could call the Hamlet Mk5 so that it is apparent it matched Mk5 Elsinores.

So... needs to see the boses... ?

Cheers, Joe
Anyway, my question is a simple one, I think. I currently have the crossovers in an external box. I would like to move them inside the cabinet so I can clean up the wiring and eliminate a connection...

A number of people have fitted the crossovers to the bottom of the box. While I prefer external because it makes it easier to work and tweak them, doing it internally is OK by me. Some may point out that external crossovers see less vibrations, that is true, but I wouldn't make a big issue out of it.

Cheers, Joe
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Hello again Joel, I was a little to anxious to reply to this post as the images were slow to come online! It appears you have the fix already. Good work. With that said I would like to be on the list to order a pair! Sorry for the mix-up!

It will take some time but I'd like to see the first pair finished. Nice paint coat. Fitted in filler board
At this point I could take the orders and have them made and painted all together

Unfortunatley the weight of AL is more than I guessed. The total will be more like 2 or 3 KG

Planning a Hamlet build for center so extra Waveguide is needed. Hopefully the new xover will come out.

It will take some time but I'd like to see the first pair finished. Nice paint coat. Fitted in filler board
At this point I could take the orders and have them made and painted all together

Unfortunatley the weight of AL is more than I guessed. The total will be more like 2 or 3 KG

Planning a Hamlet build for center so extra Waveguide is needed. Hopefully the new xover will come out.


Hi Joel, can you paint aluminium? I thought aluminium is anodised.