The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

Totally agree, and a proof of successful design.

I own a TT which have same effect on people discovering it: Technics SL-10.

Visitor:'We produce very nice object this days' , me :'nope the thing is one year younger than i am, but it's not bald as i'am, life is unfair'. :D

That TT is taken directly from the B&O era.
Just as the original Countach ... I miss those years.
Things had soul. You could find expression in the object of that time... and even over the years, they would continue to have an aura around them.

Today's consumerism is killing design. It only has to look cool for a year or two.
Sorry in advance for the OT
Gandini, together with some Lambos, has given us some legendary designs:

Lamborghini Miura Roadster (1968):

Alfa Romeo Carabo (1968):

Lancia Stratos (1971):

Renault 5 Turbo (1980):
Today's consumerism is killing design. It only has to look cool for a year or two.

Even though this part of the conversation I quote here was about other TT's, I do believe my Audi TT fits somewhat in the timeless class. It would have fit in the 60's design wise, and it still fit's as easy in today's world.
People don't believe my car actually is 22 years old.

It only goes for the MK1 model though. Each variation thereafter was one of those "cool for a year or two" type of modifications i.m.h.o. using the trends of that period. But the MK1 design was the unique and timeless one.

Not that it was in the same league of some cars mentioned recently but I do admire designs like that. Things that never seem to get old.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
No Wesayso, the first one were groundbreaking at the time ( from a design pov).

I had the same issue as Fluid though.

Didn't they had a serious flaw about a security issue at the time... i think i remember they called back many to fix the issue ( or maybe it was a frame issue i can't remember... i was more into the other TT and 12" black pizza at that time... anyway i could not afford an Audi in my 20's. And probably not today even! A 'coffin' i can! :) ).

I like your animated picture. I once visited a Mercedes Benz factory in Germany where the director was a french guy. He lamented on the design of cars at the time ( around 2010) and he thought the TT and Peugeot RCZ was the last interesting example of the time.
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They did have a serious flaw. At high speeds they had no grip at the back and they were called back to fit that small spoiler. I think they even added the traction control at that time. Mine is a very early 1998 build. I could not afford them when they came out. It took me a 19 years waiting period to get one. Well, I did drive the 911 for 13 out of those 19 years waiting ;).
I'm a skinny guy, 1m85 tall and fit just fine. The Opel GT(s) I had in my 20's was(were) a small car to me. (I had two of those)

I guess I fall for round shapes, the Countach excepted.

Here's my inspiration of what I want my TT to look like. It doesn't need much i.m.o.
Getting wheels like that (BBS type) next spring for the summer season.

"Fat Bottomed Girls"

"you make the Rocking world go round"

Suits me just fine :D.
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Joined 2009
Paid Member
Nice wheels. Nice car. I think i prefer the style of the wheels you had on the 911 though.

Tall and slim. Like my brother. Tall i am, slim i'm not!
I hate wearing suits as you put sunglasses and earbud and i look like a bodyguard... :rolleyes:

In my 20's i used to have a just plain horrible car: a circa 1985 Micra! My cousin nicknamed it 'the dromadery'. :rofl:

It was a choice to spend as little as possible to can afford other toys like synthesizers, microphones, mixing desks,...

When it died i then had a lot of toys to move each weekend for party or concert so i faced another choice to be made: something with enough volume.

This is were i thought i could live with the most horrible italian's design ever produced: the Fiat Multipla! :rofl: :rofl:

They were cheap as nobody wanted to be seen into it... but i made the chicken, finally i wasn't able to assume! :eek:
I found an Espace instead ( which my cousin nicknamed... the suppository! :rofl: ).

Better talk about success than failure:

The stratos design makes me really think about this:
Google Image Result

You are right Wesayso, it urge for your drivers to be produced. :D
Neighbor showed up with a Countach when I was a teen, and it made an impression. Had to get the poster! It was so low down to the ground, top of the car was about chest high! ... and I was not a tall teen! A single back tire was as wide as my dad's car! Or so it seemed! :D

Can't believe they are coming up with a revised version in 2022!

Well, my all time favorite car has 12 cylinders, does that count? :D

1970 Porsche 917K – Robb Report

I am more of a "limousine type" of guy



Anyway, back to audio...

One thing I've noticed is that ever since I've ordered the Scanspeak drivers not one other TC9 has failed on me ;). I've been using the speakers all this time, it hasn't broken down anymore. So it seems like it ended with 6 broken drivers within quite a short period.

So I could have gone for a replacement of all the TC9's and chances are it would have lasted me at least 10 more years. That being said, they are back in store at Digi-Key. Not yet priced like they used to be, but available again. I'm sure other shops will follow.

Just a f.y.i.

P.S. I'm not backing out, I will try the 10F. I would just hate the thought that some people would not use the TC9 because of what happened to my drivers.
It could very well be an isolated incident.
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