The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)

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Recently I joined the ASR forums, mainly because I had noticed my project was mentioned a couple of times. I figured I could add a few things.
This made me post in a thread where I knew in advance I didn't have much of a chance of helping a fellow understand STEP responses.
Jumping right into the deep end of the vipers nest :)
His combination of passion, opinion and lack of basic understanding are a terrible mix.
Finally added real web space to my site:
It used to run on one of my other web sites, making it horrible to read on mobiles etc. Still waiting on news from Scan Speak,
won't hold my breath though. Updating the site, adding some stuff etc. could be a good way to spend some of my spare time.

There's so much more to write about, but how far am I willing to go with that? Would there even be an interest?
Most of it is in this thread already, though the length of this thread alone doesn't make it all easy to find :D.

We'll see what I end up doing... ;)
Thanks guys,

I miss the spare time alone with the Stereo, because I do have so many more ideas I should be testing.
I did some testing of my ambience mix. I even tried a few standard up-mixes, but clearly they weren't meant for
this goal. Basically I'm still trying to recreate a bigger, better room, meaning it should look like real reflections
of whatever is playing up front. The L-R and R-L that's usually used isn't enough and reason why I changed that
long ago. But I can't help but think more could be done. The one I would have loved to try is Logic 7. But not
enough to buy an old apparatus that had it (hardware). I just never seen it released as a vst.
I think that for music, this could have been a very welcome add on. (created by David Griesinger) It seems like
it was abandoned completely.
Anyway, still working on some simple ideas to further enhance the back-drop. However subtle it may be.
It's the part that makes you "feel" you are there, the envelopment and sheer atmosphere. Where a room usually
detracts from the music, a good room can actually add new layers. Without detracting from the music. The sole
purpose of the Haas kicker.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Hi Wesayso,
What makes Logic 7 appeal to you? A plug in/processing in it?
Yes it was dropped on pc... something like 6 month after i invested 800euros in it around 2000... :mad:

Edit: ah ok... two products shared same name! Emagic ( now Apple) Logic ( a very fine DAW) and an Harmann processor named Discrete Logic7. Of course i talked about the first... and you were refering to the second. :)
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For one thing: it was made by David Griesinger, who has been a large influence on my current experiments. His work on rooms and
our perception is impressive to say the least. He's the engine behind Lexicon's reverb algorithm's.
Plus I've read favorable reviews of Logic 7 for music use, one of few up-mixing tools that seemed to do it right. At least, that's what
I read. I haven't heard it but a long time ago, a fellow named Andy Wehmeijer from JBL at the time has written a lot about it on
Car forums as it was part of an in-car solution from JBL. He also talked at length about his own install in a MPV Van.

If it's as good as I think it might be? I don't know. It's main purpose was to make use of all the research from Griesinger to be able to
add envelopment and sense of space extracted from even 2 channel music. One of the key ingredients was phase steering and higher
separation of the back channels compared to what was used at the time.

What I'm doing is mixing what I know and have learned from that research (what does what for perception) with the experiments and
theory of reflections filling in cross talk dips. And it works, together with my mid/side EQ scheme's. It is fun, exiting and entertaining,
but hey, (even) more separation would be a welcome experiment as well!