The making of: The Two Towers (a 25 driver Full Range line array)


This could be the beginning of something fun! :)
I would put very fine tooth blade on a table saw and slide the work really slowly past the blade; except I know I'd eventually get impatient and push it too fast. But you are the guy who routed all the pieces for your translam cabinets by hand, so I doubt you would have that problem.
@fluid, I remembered that. I mainly ran impedance checks to see if all drivers were healthy. That was my first priority. But I saved them to be able to group them like you did.

@b_force not using a real crossover but a low shelf at 160 Hz. After first eq-ing the response flat, down to about 20-30 Hz. Max boost was about 14 dB, low shelf was -9 dB, so final max boost left was about 5 dB. Here and there the array helps the sub and vice versa.

Will see if that game plan still works with these drivers. Overall distortion will show me what these can take vs the TC9.
@fluid, I remembered that. I mainly ran impedance checks to see if all drivers were healthy. That was my first priority. But I saved them to be able to group them like you did.

@b_force not using a real crossover but a low shelf at 160 Hz. After first eq-ing the response flat, down to about 20-30 Hz. Max boost was about 14 dB, low shelf was -9 dB, so final max boost left was about 5 dB. Here and there the array helps the sub and vice versa.

Will see if that game plan still works with these drivers. Overall distortion will show me what these can take vs the TC9.
mmm if you wanna improve the overall sound, I would definitely recommend just using a 150-200Hz highpass filter on there, and just a couple of (stereo) subs.

Even with 25 drivers, de low end on these things isn't extremely great plus there is a lot more possible with a couple of subs.
Using any speaker way beneath their Fs is not really recommended, the compliance can do some very weird stuff there.