The Well Tempered Master Clock - Building a low phase noise/jitter crystal oscillator

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Remember, it isn't just about springiness, or vibration damping. There is also mass to consider. Resonance of the spring-mass system should probably be lower than any expected vibrations. Damping can be used tame behavior around resonance.

remebering me the greats days of diy in audio 25 years ago... we putted cd player lens in lead matrice hanged by wires or on spring :) ! As all the things wolwes descrived, sand, quartz in filters, or around the caned crystals, etc. We already talked about foam, box in box... it was just cd players...
So I built the 5Mhz boards yesterday, it works.
Today I built the 6MHz clock, but it doesnt start, I check the parts what I needed to solder to the semi-finished board, but every value is right. All leds light, no short or something.

At the output no signal. When I see the oscilloscope at the board, everywhere is 50 Hz freq (like hum), on the crystal legs and other places too.

What can I do? Anyone has this problem?
I changed the 1K to 2 parallel 3k3= 1,65K because I havent 1,5K at home.
The crystal starts but the amplitude was small and it is alternating too. I changed to 2K2 (wasnt 1K8), and the sine is good and stabile. May I leave this value?

What is the nominal output voltage of sine at 50 ohm? At 5 Mhz was 4Vpp, at the 6Mhz now I measured about 6Vpp.
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So we should find the best way to mount and screen before the clocks are mounted. The clock being a key element it seems logic to '' investigate '' some ideas. I am sure that if you know what can go wrong it wont be to difficult to find a easy but maybe far fetched solution.
Greetings, Eduard
I re-solder all, but nothing in the beginning.

In the end I realized that starting the board, but just small signal about 60mV.

But somethimes not starts. I try to touch the 2K resistor and once I managed to raise the signal 60 mV to 6V, but if I touched other components this jump back to 60 mV and very hard to jump back again to 6V (not at all time when touching the resistor). (I hope it is understandable)

PS.: When the voltage goes from 60mV to 6V, the sine increased continious to 6V, no jump immediately, just slowly by few seconds.

What is this, one component faulty, or problem with crystal?
Now I start about ten times, 2 times it started on 6V other cases started on 60mV output.
(but its starts all the time, so oscillator works, other problems would be)
When starts on 6V and I touched 2K resistor leg with a metal stuff (and hand too), the oscillation starts to decreased to lower and lower to 60mV again, and dont jump back....
(frequency is right all the time: 6,144MHz, so its not problem)
I will try soon with 100R too.

So in the late evening I went back to my workroom, I switch the board several time again, and now it starts on 6V always.:confused:
Today morning it works like night, so I connect the freq doubler to the Drixo board.
The doubler works fine, freq is ok. After this I connect the second doubler, and its works too well, the freq is 4 times of basic freq.

If I load Drixo output with doubler, the voltage drops to 3Vpp on Drixo output.

After the first doubler its drops to about 2Vpp.
And after the second doubler it drops to about 800mV. Will it enough to drive STS board?
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