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The Well Tempered Master Clock - Group buy

Thank you lasercut and Andrea! I was wrong because I considered 24/96 (CS8414 input) instead 16 which is the real resolution of TDA...
Sorry, I know it is quite off-topic here but I just don´t really understand how simultaneous mode works and I cannot find a non-confusing explanation anywhere :(:confused::confused::confused:
In I2S mode and BCK running at 6.144Mhz and WS 192khz you get 32 bits of L+R channels. In the LOW part of the WS period you get 16 bits of left channel and when in HIGH you get the other 16 bits of the right one. Ok so far.
Now in simultaneous, both L & R are read at the same time on one falling edge of BCK, so true bitrate should be doubled but if the rising edge of LE signal indicates sample at output, and there is only one rising edge per period, how can bitrate can be actually doubled???

I mean it is true that L+R are read simultaneously but if LE frequency signal is not doubled, how can 384 be achieved?? Again only one L+R sample is read in a LE period...
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Nice...looking forward to try your FIFO+DAC-Lite...so we have a DAC and FIFO now for your clocks...cant wait to compare your combo with my Soekris-1941 setup.

Maybe you can offer an option without soldered resistors ? So anyone can make his own choices on resistor quality.

I believe I de-soldered about 100 ceramic SMD caps from the Soekris before it sounded good...glad that I do not see so many of these little devils on your prototype.