The XSD Speaker

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Odd numbered drivers have magnet facing out and even numbered drivers have magnet facing in.

The way to check is to apply a 1.5v AA battery across the terminals of each pair to make sure they squeeze together to push air out the slot. Check each chamber pair, then the whole system - all drivers should move inwards on +ve battery to +ve speaker input.
So I finished off one speaker and played some music, and there is no output to the tweeter. I cannot locate my copy of the crossover schematic to ck if I assembled it correctly. Can you email me another copy. I should have the second one finished tonite.


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Founder of XSA-Labs
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Hi WW,
Nice looking cabinet! Congrats on the build. The XO is a parallel design so you should be able to disconnect the mid and woofer and try to play only the tweeter to see what is amiss. Usually when there is no sound in a path, I will check for either continuity, a short, or lack of return to ground.

With woofers and mid disconnected, what does ohms show between speaker terminals? Should be “open connection” since AC coupled high pass. This is the shorted test. Play a 5kHz test tone and see if you hear it. This is the AC “continuity” check.

Let me know how that goes.

Also, are you doing XO P2P or using the PCB designed by one of the members here?
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Thanks, they turned out looking pretty good, I tend to get a little impatient with the finish but my veneer skills are improving.I plan on putting a grill on them to make them a little more wife friendly. My endgame amp will be the Wolverine and I think it will be a good match. I am trying not to listen to them critically yet but they do have a different sound but this is my first time experiencing a OB speaker.
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I used the printed circuit board, I made my bass motor assembly removable for a cleaner look on the side panels. I was going to hide the crossovers but I think they add to it.
Very nice finish work! Hope to get boxes soon. I have all the stuff on the way for Zenmod's XA 252 power amp to power these speakers. Its large puck mosfets just keep putting out the needed power plus some.

It is not time to do review on these but I wanted to mention a few things about these speakers so when you first listen to them you don’t freak out. They were terribly shouty with a nasty midrange slur , I knew X would not design something this bad so I was not concerned. Now after maybe 6 hrs of playing they have begun to come into their own. The most immediate thing is these throw out a huge sound stage, I thought with this many woofers that they may be a little bass dominate however they actually sound just right. I told my wife when I put these out I would not need a subwoofer, so we will see how that turns out. I use a mini DSP to provide room correction so I can boost the lower octaves ( I was using it for the sub out as well as room correction),however I was really hoping I could eliminate it. The other quick take away is amps do make a big difference, I have rotated 3 amps and it became progressively better with more power and running mono blocks.
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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Hi WW,
There is a 4.7R padding resistor on the mid. If you think it’s too shouty, try swapping it with 5.6R or 6.8R. It might be break in as you say as the mids have a very stiff suspension and could use some time to flex the pleated/doped fabric surrounds.

The OB soundstage is what makes them so good for live music or to feel you are at the concert.

But the bass is what is most amazing. It’s got some real chest punch slam.

Thanks for sharing initial thoughts. I loved how they sounded with a 600wpc amp!

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