TPA3116D2 Amp

Whoa, we're starting to get a few too many options! But then we migth get a very good performer in the future, I hope they keep trying.

Good to see the blue boards in Ali. Nothing against taobao, but it's much better buying directly. And safer too, no direct CC information plus refund policies.

What I think is funny is YJ boards being priced by brand name. Even at this level of marketing. They are worse and more expensive than brandless boards. Just like a good part of the high end audiomarket.
Good to see the blue boards in Ali. Nothing against taobao, but it's much better buying directly. And safer too, no direct CC information plus refund policies.

I kind of agree with you. It is easier for "foreigner" to buy stuff from China via Ali. Taobao is the EBay equivalent for the Chinese market. However, I notice that the price of the item listed in Ali is, quite often, higher than that listed in TB.

I kind of agree with you. It is easier for "foreigner" to buy stuff from China via Ali. Taobao is the EBay equivalent for the Chinese market. However, I notice that the price of the item listed in Ali is, quite often, higher than that listed in TB.


Actually I like Taobao, amazing variety and prices (and google translator works well!). Unfortunately, they sell only to around 10% of the globe. What worries me most is the necessity (in my case) of a middleman. A dealbreaker, truth be told.

And yes, Ali is overpriced. The same ~$4 30w pbtl is almost $15 (7.06 + 7.78 shipping EACH!)
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I am following this thread looking for a 2 channel amp for a pair of ESS AMT 4's

The 3116 is a great match for the AMT's - are you looking for a finished amp in box with knobs or a board? There are only 2 varieties in finished boxes as far as I know: the red YJ and the Breeze Audio. I think they probably sound similar but components on the Breeze seem better quality. Recently reports of the very compact green board indicates better sound quality than the YJ but that does not have a hard case yet. I think for the low cost you might want to order several varieties in PCB form. Try it out and if you like one get a cased version or build your own box.
Ok, so what board sounds the best? My Sure 3110's SQ is hard to compete with, into extremely exponential pricing. I hear the 3116 can compete but someone make me believe it...

I have to agree that the Sure TPA3110 is a great 12 volt Amp, maybe the best 12 volt Amp. I suppose it would be nice if it had a few more watts per channel for the same 12 volts but for the stereophonic full range people, its the only amplifier they will ever need. I suspect that the TPA3116 is just as good or probably better but the circuity engineering has not yet been optimized and the required 24 volt power supply makes it a little less desirable but not a deal breaker.
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24V not required...I think most people are using laptop PS at 19V or so.

Works for me.

3116 will run down to 4.5V so you can do a side-by-side at 12V for both amps and see what you think.

Similarly, run the 3110 at 19 volts - sounds great to me and you get a few extra watts. Driving 4 ohm loads, you can get 12 to 15 clean watts easily.
The 3116 is a great match for the AMT's - are you looking for a finished amp in box with knobs or a board? There are only 2 varieties in finished boxes as far as I know: the red YJ and the Breeze Audio. I think they probably sound similar but components on the Breeze seem better quality. Recently reports of the very compact green board indicates better sound quality than the YJ but that does not have a hard case yet. I think for the low cost you might want to order several varieties in PCB form. Try it out and if you like one get a cased version or build your own box.

I have my eye on to different amps,

Amplifier Board TPA3116 Class D 2X50W Stereo Power Amplifier Board | eBay

Amplifier Board TPA3116 Class D 2X50W or 1x100W Stereo or Full PBTL | eBay

I may just go ahead and order one of each.

This will be my first home audio project. I have played in the car audio world for years though.
Not only is it not required. It's not desired as well. Above 21V supply voltage and the tpa3116 starts to sound considerably worse.

This is the big question. Is the poorer performance at 24 volts due to shortcomings in the TPA3116 chip itself or shortcomings of the less than optimized circuity of the limited Chinese Amps currently available? I would bet that theTPA3116 will will sing real sweet at the full 24 volts with a properly engineered circuit. More watts would also result.
I would bet that theTPA3116 will will sing real sweet at the full 24 volts with a properly engineered circuit.

I'll take that bet (because I know I'd win).

The cause is in the chip itself. Most likely in the internal LDO and/or the input circuitry because it doesn't help to run it PBTL either so it's not related to the output circuitry. Naturally, you can pull more power out at PBTL if your speakers have lower impedance but the problem with higher voltage is still there.

Interestingly, the automotive qualified TPA3132 (same chip internally as TPA3116/18) recommends an operating voltage of 19V which is good advice for the TPA3116/18 as well.
Never ceases to amaze me that people can complain at prices below $100 for these kinds of amps. I mean SERIOUSLY what else can you find that can even touch the performance and features of that Breeze 2.1 at anywhere close to it's price?? Tweek it all you want and it still is a super bargain with sound to die for.