A Subjective Blind Comparison of 2in to 4in drivers - Round 4

Select the driver that you think sounds the best.

  • A

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • B

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • D

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • E

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • F

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I really like to hear a "number 5" test if it's about fragrance !

the two winners of this test + the Visaton titanium I linked above somewhere + 1 planar à la G&B Neo6s or Neo8... but for this two it needs a higher XO in the FAST speaker test : more around 600 hz ! ... And why not a Supravox 5" and the 5" PRV Audio : Americans : send your drivers to Xrk971 pleaaaaaaaase :)

Fun !
Aren't we supposed to not do the above with drive letters and all? We should not be openly discussing the drivers by there designation. That's why Jay's method works. Instead of calling them driver X or Y like stated in the first post he made up names like TG9 or B80 :D.

Yeap, sorry, it seems it smelled the end of the poll or near to it !:)

Funny, we need an Excell tryptic sheet with the letter/real driver translation of each listener to speak togethers :D !... with a ratio Pi adaptation factor in relation to solid state vs SET amps with the time reverbs of each listening rooms and the age of the captain of the ship : give the proof you can hear above 12 k hz :p ! Of course Jay will be the administrator of this Excell sheet !:eek:.... with a travel to Bali for the closing round with morritos for all at Kuta beach !

And the mystery driver IS....... ? :Pawprint:
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I still ! do not understand How? it's possible to Audition/evalute Drivers (or Any Other Audio gear for that matter) Over downloaded files.
Results are Utterly dependent on the recipient individual's Own gear reproducing the Files.
Neither a clever nor accurate condition for testing with Any validity let alone replicability IMO.
Hifi is as close to original as posible, ignoring reference is real audiophile.

Maybe if i had to listen only the two drivers I found very close (txt file of my vote)driver I would had listened to the ref !

But I surmise as there is a clear another winner for me listtening the three tracks, listening the reference was not usefull ! Or maybe worse : inject some doubts I hadn't longer only listening the track of each drivers only !... Not forgetting some had just listened to the ref and only one of the 3 tracks ! :)

For me reference is more real instruments, I try both to benchmark with the souvenir and in relation from what I listen through a system ! Here if I heard the ref track into my system (I didn't headphoned the test) I surmise I would had a "G" letter" : my speaker (which has a 5" driver as well) !

So I prefered my way : only benchmark the driver between them, thinking about the concistency of the reccording : because all made by X with the same protocol and the listening concistency : all driver tracks hear through the same system (mine at home ) ... I judge not my speaker in relation to drivers or/and through the X reccording system !

At least this how I see it !
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I've hidden Eldams post as it was causing concern over the poll results.

Ah mince, sorry !

Hope some will keep this post to a further discussion after the result ! Don't thinked some could be influenced by its reading ! (as the results are close togethers)

Post just above : corrected (letters deleted and swaped by allusion to my txt file) !

But calling them by their real name without knowing them could influence also... if you believe you are on pair with the poster and believing you hear the sound of this driver because you believe yoy like model or brand X ! We had prove of that with placebo in medcine protocols !
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I still ! do not understand How? it's possible to Audition/evalute Drivers (or Any Other Audio gear for that matter) Over downloaded files.
Results are Utterly dependent on the recipient individual's Own gear reproducing the Files.
Neither a clever nor accurate condition for testing with Any validity let alone replicability IMO.

IMO, knowing all the limits of the exercice, a concistency exists ! No one said it can give to us a definitive rank ! Look at it like an exercice or if I follow what you say ; you never try to benchmark anything as in final there is always a limiting factor to give an "absolute" result : room, listener, tracks, etc !

I believe it's a verry interessant thread. And tracks are subtles, it's difficult : you really needs to listen to it (at least on my system) several time to have a safer opinion. That's why I linked above for Xrk971 some tracks I believe to be easier...(more air or less mixed up instruments in the same time) though the personal tastes in musical genre are very personal...
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I still ! do not understand How? it's possible to Audition/evalute Drivers (or Any Other Audio gear for that matter) Over downloaded files.

I would generally agree with this but the results speak for themselves. Usually their is a majority preference towards the drivers that either measure better, or exhibit traits that lend themselves towards overall listening enjoyment.

What is glaringly obvious from these tests though is that the drivers with large linearity issues are discarded by almost everyone. And of the drivers that do present themselves with having breakup or resonant issues, even through this less than ideal test, we are able to hear them as problems and often as unpleasant.

I for one am using HD650s and I know a number of people here are using similarly decent headphones for their tests too.
It is scarier to me that a certain driver is getting as many votes as it is, I'll call it "M".
Its a real mystery to me!

Well I don't know which you think is M but I'll say I agree with you!

Athough agree taste regarding M : ) suspect not all participants have nice HD650 class headphones or higher end speakers when listening to pick their preference between the five participating drivers and think that can make a difference.
IMO, knowing all the limits of the exercice, a concistency exists ! No one said it can give to us a definitive rank ! Look at it like an exercice or if I follow what you say ; you never try to benchmark anything as in final there is always a limiting factor to give an "absolute" result : room, listener, tracks, etc !

Yes, but the top performer does unfortunately exist. The more I listen [to different segment] the more it shows its superiority by never scored less than "one of the best".

I'm a bit disappointed, because I have heard B80 in real life and I expect 10F [which I have never heard] to perform above that.

suspect not all participants have nice HD650 class headphones or higher end speakers when listening to pick their preference between the five participating drivers and think that can make a difference.

Oh yes. With better headphone/speakers I can hear more details that can give positive or negative score to a driver. Positive trait is the micro room reverberation. Negative trait is some kind of weird behavior, a distortion or something. Two drivers keep showing weird behavior when heard through better headphone, and those behavior was not observed when using cheap headphone.

My speakers is better. It can show emotion. It can show performer quality [better singer or better musician]. I think these are micro details. I remembered I had a goosebumps when I heard Norah Jones vocal through 10F and my speaker. I have tried to "feel" for the same experience using my Senn in all of the track with clip1 which have a little vocal at the end and it appeared F was "closer" :(

But my speaker has the trait to hide "distortions" or is it because of the low distortion of the speaker itself. When using my Senn, many drivers have distortion, but the distortion will be gone when listened through the speakers. I think it is my ears cannot accept headphones...

This has consequence... because my favorite in my first minute impression was thought to be 10F but the "distortion" was too high that I thought it was too bad to be true because I believe 10F is a very low distortion driver.

And what I have learnt to be true is that with headphone I can feel that the loudest the passage, the more "distortion", or the more hurt I feel with my ears. The reference is the extreme example. Because it is the loudest, it appears to have a huge distortion and I don't like to hear them.

So yes, different headphone/speakers can change preference.
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Hifi is as close to original as posible, ignoring reference is real audiophile.

Hmm, most of the music I listen to is processed beyond the Milky way. Further on, if the music/sound is irritating me, I change it. Usually a slope of approx 1-2db from 0.8kHz and upwards. In some music I have a BBC dip....

This is not the original any longer, am I an "audiophilistene" then?:D

I "ignored" the reference in both round 3 and 4, because I thought this exercise was meant to show what people prefer, not to find out which driver sounds as attached reference....

Im' still curious how many people used reference file???
