A Subjective Blind Comparison of 2in to 4in drivers - Round 4

Select the driver that you think sounds the best.

  • A

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • B

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • D

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • E

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • F

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hmm, most of the music I listen to is processed beyond the Milky way. Further on, if the music/sound is irritating me, I change it. Usually a slope of approx 1-2db from 0.8kHz and upwards. In some music I have a BBC dip....

This is not the original any longer, am I an "audiophilistene" then?:D

I "ignored" the reference in both round 3 and 4, because I thought this exercise was meant to show what people prefer, not to find out which driver sounds as attached reference....

Im' still curious how many people used reference file???


I do not compare with reference track. The point is to choose the one that you like the sound of. I have noticed a few people saying that they like the sound of one better but voted for the one that was closer to the reference. How odd because the poll asks which one you think "sounds best".
It is scarier to me that a certain driver is getting as many votes as it is, I'll call it "M".
Its a real mystery to me!

Is it not because it sounds very close from an other one, this other one doing all a little better in the condition of the test (no headphones for me)?

That's what I simply conclude. And most of the time in a normal situation (no a listening test) I assume most of us would have pain to make a difference between those 2 drivers !

That's why I think they are from the same brand or very from a close technology !
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No, with the second ranked on my txt file and the third : I explained in a post a mod hidden but you can have in your mails box. those 2 drivers on my system share more than they don't share, although one is always the winner... because it does it a little better everywhere (at least I said I made the test with a speaker and no headphone). At least those two drivers were putted by me with my winner in a same family of sound : clear with a hifi resolution in the positiv sense of the word.
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I do not compare with reference track. The point is to choose the one that you like the sound of. I have noticed a few people saying that they like the sound of one better but voted for the one that was closer to the reference. How odd because the poll asks which one you think "sounds best".

I did compare to the original track, a stereo Flac file. I chose the one that was the best match in tonality, though I did like the mid range of my second and third choices better.

So why did I chose the driver with the better tonality? It seemed to have the better overall balance, if I don't want to include/use EQ.

But in hindsight, knowing there was a difference in setup (more HF in this round in general) compared to the earlier tests I would have voted differently.
I guess I voted a bit too soon. Had I known about this difference before my vote I could have come to another conclusion. I'm still convinced you can build an excellent speaker with my top 3 choices.

Is it not because it sounds very close from an other one, this other one doing all a little better in the condition of the test (no headphones for me)?

That's what I simply conclude. And most of the time in a normal situation (no a listening test) I assume most of us would have pain to make a difference between those 2 drivers !

That's why I think they are from the same brand or very from a close technology !

Maybe I'm talking about a different one :p.
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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Yeap, sorry, it seems it smelled the end of the poll or near to it !:)

Funny, we need an Excell tryptic sheet with the letter/real driver translation of each listener to speak togethers :D !... with a ratio Pi adaptation factor in relation to solid state vs SET amps with the time reverbs of each listening rooms and the age of the captain of the ship : give the proof you can hear above 12 k hz :p ! Of course Jay will be the administrator of this Excell sheet !:eek:.... with a travel to Bali for the closing round with morritos for all at Kuta beach !

And the mystery driver IS....... ? :Pawprint:

No we get Jeff Probst to host "Audio Survivor" and end with big reveal in NYC on live TV. :)
I do not compare with reference track. The point is to choose the one that you like the sound of. I have noticed a few people saying that they like the sound of one better but voted for the one that was closer to the reference. How odd because the poll asks which one you think "sounds best".

well I started my listening by putting all the tracks plus the reference on shuffle and listening blind. I was consistently picking the reference out as my favorite "driver", but I couldn't vote for reference even though I thought it sounded best :)

kidding aside, I think the reference is useful since we don't know most of these tracks and it gives us a frame of reference otherwise we really are choosing blind. Without the reference, then what value could people take from the polling results then? That most people preferred recording X? By having the reference, then we can give some confidence that recording X is capturing the character of driver X. Without the reference, the recordings would have little reference to the reality of what the drivers would sound like in person. And without listening and comparing to the reference, then are those votes really voting for the driver or are they voting for your recording of that driver?

In general recordings of speakers only give a pale shadow of what the speaker will sound like in person and in our home / acoustic space. I mean would any of us buy a $5000 audiophile/studio speaker based only on reviews and recordings of the speaker you heard on the internet, or would you insist on hearing it in person? Let's not forget that.
I do not compare with reference track. The point is to choose the one that you like the sound of. I have noticed a few people saying that they like the sound of one better but voted for the one that was closer to the reference. How odd because the poll asks which one you think "sounds best".
In using the reference track isn't there an increased likelihood that you'll just end up choosing the driver that sounds most like the speakers or headphones through which you're doing the test (after all, how the reference pieces sound through your speakers or headphones will then be taken as the standard against which all the test drivers are now to be measured)?
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
:joker:.... yes that's a good one ! Better to choose in the right order the S,C,A,N...

I had a dream and woke up sweating.... all the test was made with only one driver but at different XOs.... we are victim of an experiment from a doctor in Psychology :scared:

Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à http://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/dvdboxart/8224266/p8224266_d_v7_aa.jpg : "Guys you will listen to some drivers...."

Oh!!! You finally figured out my plan. :D

Bwahahahaha.... :devilr:
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In using the reference track isn't there an increased likelihood that you'll just end up choosing the driver that sounds most like the speakers or headphones through which you're doing the test (after all, how the reference pieces sound through your speakers or headphones will then be taken as the standard against which all the test drivers are now to be measured)?

That's my point also. Beware Philosophil, with that nickname and opinion, you will be cast out and tormented forever in elevator music land:cool:

In using the reference track isn't there an increased likelihood that you'll just end up choosing the driver that sounds most like the speakers or headphones through which you're doing the test (after all, how the reference pieces sound through your speakers or headphones will then be taken as the standard against which all the test drivers are now to be measured)?

You could see it like that... but it could work the other way around too.

If you like the one best that is the furthest from the reverence sound, it would clue you in that your system isn't working as it should ;).
I agree we need a Scanspeak to win, better not listen to reference.

Wow, nice prediction Irribeo. Three similar frequency responses belong to three ScanSpeak/Vifa drivers? If it is so, you have mixed up between TG9 and TC9.

There's nothing wrong preferring driver that is not close to the reference in term of tonality. Actually it has been my source of frustration preferring a fiberglass cone material. I always compare my fiberglass speaker side by side with my good sounding paper cone, and I always try to voice the fiberglass to sound like the paper one. At the end, the fiberglass will win in details and resolution.

15 September is approaching and I haven't done with my amplifier. Ten transformers had been tried today, Eight gave output voltage higher than the maximum an LM1875 can accept. The ninth was 30Vdc [the max] but alas the capacitors are rated at 25V :( The last one is 17Vdc, too small but I have deadline :D

Decided to use opamp input, but couldn't find my top quality opamp so decided to pull from PCB. Had a hard time finding the solder sucker :D It sounds like an easy job but it was not :p
Agree jeshi and Philosophil regarding need to have reference track especially if track is never heard before.

Netherlands members spread good humor lately with entertaining comments pushing for their taste SS favorite :D.

Jay have best soldering and hunt for deadline.