A tweeter choice Yet, advices needed!


Any idea guys for a silk tweeter 2000 hz XO ; > to 90dB/2.83V ; as detailled as the metal SB26CDC to challenge it, please ? Budget less than 250 euros/USD max the pair

MTM with 5" hard paper units (NE149W).

I thougth about to the Bliesma T25S or the wave guided Morel CAT378/TW30A11 ? SS 2604/83000 ? small Illuminator twweter cans ? SB26STAC ( a liitle hot maybe in the highs and not liking too much low cut off as many SBACOUSTIC SB26)
Can be horned too but not sure it is worthing with 5" woofers ?!

Coming from daily aluminium tweeter use I am looking for something detailled enough and blending fine with a detailled papaer cone at the level of a Satori paper driver.

I wanted initialy a compression driver for its dynamic behavior but gave up the project for a 3 ways with 2 5" MTM for the medium area.

Thanks for your thoughs.
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Why silk?

Not the HDS! (my prejudice)

CAT378 as per Devore seems a solid choice. @profiguy likes these and is a big fan of the NE149.

T25S - from datasheet and hfc measurements, this has a wonky response that I found difficult to work into normal slopes in sims.
T25A would be in budget, though, as would DXT and Seas 27TAC/GB for a matched pair @wolf_teeth likes these

Maybe D3004/602010 - someone was selling a pair of these recently. not sensitive enough

Last idea was Euro/DE Seas No-Ferro with VIsaton WG - apparently just need to drill the tweeter bolt holes a little bit
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yep I took the cat378 thanks to @profiguy member advice and am aware of Michael Chua fine tunnings with it thanks @system7 . Just fear it lacks a little transparency (FF, not so good THD for that 2000 hz low cut off, and a LCR at Fs plus a shelf dor the high needed... beginn to be too much for a passive filter guy).

I also put on the list the wavecore TW30A11 advised by @scholl member, he prefered VS 1" compression driver... conversation with him was an eye opener also.

Thanks for the thougths about the two Bliesma 25S and 25A
that 2608 tweeter is a no go for me. I prefer the spec of the 83000 (better waterfall) over the double magnet 83300 for my small spl living room needs.

SB29RDAC... many advised to go at minima with the tw29R cause disto. (the Qts of the rn neo magnet is king but above my budget).

Thanks for chimming in duvixan.

SEAS 27 No Ferro ?
As GM said, there probably isn't such a thing really -although it depends what you mean by 'detail' -and then whether it's 'real' or 'false'.

SB's Satori units, Scan's 6600 AirCirc, 7100 and 9700 are about the best soft dome units I've come across or used, and are very good in their own right, though all other things being equal (which they usually are not) I'd still take a quality rigid dome if I had the choice.
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I admit my selection of tweeters way back when was somewhat limited, but no silk/whatever tweeter came anywhere near sounding as detailed, 'Is it live or is it Memorex', etc., as a metal dome, especially Altec's rare 'ultralite' diaphragm and why I just damped any metal ones to suit my female audience(s) that were my measuring 'devices' as to how much was required.
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As GM said, there probably isn't such a thing really -although it depends what you mean by 'detail' -and then whether it's 'real' or 'false'.

SB's Satori units, Scan's 6600 AirCirc, 7100 and 9700 are about the best soft dome units I've come across or used, and are very good in their own right, though all other things being equal (which they usually are not) I'd still take a quality rigid dome if I had the choice.

Thanks. In my native language I think details is meaning something like clarity in yours. I.e. NOT more ligth (ringing ?) but more resolution if I understood the sense of "clarity" when talking about sound. In my native language, ligth (from thee sun) can means brigth also according the use, and not a lack of weigth like in english most of th etime.

Is there more details with the 6600 ove the 9700, please ?

For me details also means enough resolution to hear the acoustic instruments harmonic decay that go in the tweeter pass band. Maybe called low decay waterfall ? Low Qts ?

Some often talk about the OW2 not so for the resolution but its hability of good off axis response (than maybe can help in instruments harmonics perception.

Anyway I am really at mak for 250 euros the pair. In a TCO approach if a tweeter really do not not need a ton of passive parts for cut odd and EQ, it could be discussed as well !
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Yup I refer to this one. FF seems a pain to me though now I am not sure to have 30 years left about re FF, lol ! Some ssay also FF damps a little that micro texture details needed in acoustic instruments rendition.

I liked the SB26STAC I was advised for a refurbishing for a friend.... seemed to me it was a good one though a little on the brigthy ligth side in the filter I used (speaker refurbishing so not a devolpment with acurate filter for the unit). Soe say the CDC is as much "detailed" but more confortable magnitude to listen to ?! I dunno I can not purchase them all, hence the thread.
Thanks. In my native language I think details is meaning something like clarity in yours. I.e. NOT more ligth (ringing ?) but more resolution if I understood the sense of "clarity" when talking about sound. In my native language, ligth (from thee sun) can means brigth also according the use, and not a lack of weigth like in english most of th etime.
I don't generally like the term, but for me, assuming it's 'real' (i.e. 'accurate') we're talking about, I mean low linear and non-linear distortion (HD & IMD) across the desired operating frequency and dynamic bandwidths. I'd add wide, or at least consistent off-axis response to that, out to at least 30 degrees. Others will no doubt disagree -fair enough, and I won't argue, I'm simply giving some rough criteria about how I'd define it. You can get 'false' detail in some cases with an elevated HD level at particular frequencies for e.g. -especially HD3 & HD5. There are others, but that's often a giveaway if you have the data available.

Is there more details with the 6600 ove the 9700, please ?

Again, depends on your criteria; for me, not much in it but depends on application. Both are extremely linear in FR, the 6600 has a slight edge in higher order HD, but since it's one of the wide-surround brigade HD2 is elevated. Personally I prefer narrow surrounds in that sense as the dome is doing most of the emitting rather than the surround, but it's possible to get a little too 'religious' about such things. I'd probably just give the 6600 the nod, especially since it has higher sensitivity, but if you don't need that & can get it significantly cheaper, the 9700 is a sleeper -it's basically the original 9900 Revelator with the flat 9500 / 9300 / 9000 faceplate.
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Many say a little hot in the high end and a little brigth...not as good as the Vifa original.
SB26 STAC certainly better if the xo not too low ....2500 hz perhaps according your spl need. But would like something meatier sound like the old B&W T26 fabric. Ok I know the filter is doing a lot.