Asynchronous I2S FIFO project, an ultimate weapon to fight the jitter

My streamer stack rebuilt with HDMIPro transport board and connected to my recently built DAC stack via ReceiverPiPro II via HDMI input. MonitorPi on streamer and MonitorPiPro on DAC. DAC output to powered professional studio monitors speakers via OPA861 I/V analogue board. Both stacks powered by PurePi II. Linear Pi Duo for the DAC output board. Irreverent DSI screen and SSD FLAC drive on the RPi4 streamer. IFi X 3 amp supply for streamer. IFi 2.5 amp for DAC. Dual 12v DC bricks for the linear duo.

May separate screen and music one day to a separate box but for now I’m loving it.
Thank you @iancanada for all the advice and guidance and newbie questions.

Now to figure out how I want to package them up but for now enjoying the bliss with a 🍷!

There is a lot of capability and power and sublime sound 🎶!

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The point is - from rpi to amanero and next to the most important FiFoPi and next to the HdmiPi and I2S to DAC ... don't you know for what is all FiFoPi and other Ian's stuff ??
So, after reading almost all Ian's manuals, Amanero and pretty much all threads I could find here on diyaudio and roonlabs community it boils down to the capability of the RPi? Since it plays DSD256 over usb out of the box I thought there where hope. The point of using I2S is to keep the signal clean and native.
Hi Ian
Thank you for what you are bringing to the community.
I feel a little lost. I have search through your products and I can`t find a solution to my need.
My setup is Roon Server - Raspberry Pi4 with DietPi as Roon endpoint - Chord Hugo 2 (I also use the ultracapacitor power supply feeding the Raspberry Pi and Hugo 2)
My music collection is almost all DSD files (64-256)
Today I am using DoP via Raspberry USB output feeding the USB input of my Hugo 2, but I would like to refine the sound quality in my streaming further if possible by re-clocking, buffer or other improvements.
As I see it the only options I have feeding the Hugo 2 with DSD 256 is to use the USB input or the double coax on the Hugo2, but the double coax, as I understand it is only compatible with the Chord M-Scaler, so I am left with USB input.

What would be the best solution for maximum sound quality, using your products, to further improve my setup?
So, after reading almost all Ian's manuals, Amanero and pretty much all threads I could find here on diyaudio and roonlabs community it boils down to the capability of the RPi? Since it plays DSD256 over usb out of the box I thought there where hope. The point of using I2S is to keep the signal clean and native.
Not even the RPi. The Linux kernel running on the RPi. If you see link above I posted yesterday re gentooplayer, that kernel i believe can do the rates you are looking for at least the start guide indicates this.
Maybe, but using DoP for DSD. The I2S inputs on the DAC are for native DSD. DoP is used over coax and AES
On the Ian DAC I built HDMI is i2S. I’m playing a DSD right now on the DAC I built native DSD not DoP. Streaming from the Pi. It’s only 64DSD cause I’m not into DSD yet. It plays natively or DoP in my Volumio player and through the PiLess DAC I built. See screen cap and DSD on the Volumio screen and the deets on the monitor pi.
I’m a newbie to DSD


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It seems to me that you probably didn't read Ian's instructions carefully... I think each of them mentions " Rpi free mode" (FifoPi , ReceiverPi ,HdmiPi, ReclockPi ...)
You, probably right. I have read like 1000 pages the last few days. so my head is spinning a bit. I think DSD64 and probably DSD128 should be good to go. I started looking into the PBi project less than a week ago.
Inspired by «gabster» on youtube. Copper shielding the clocks. Maybe I should ground the shield ? Anyway, time will tell if there is any upgrade doing this. View attachment 1206961
quick check...will it not cause any challenge If the copper plate touches the board while operational....(being all circuitry connections afraid of planning such thing). did you plan any protection to sheet for the base inside and the base? please advise.