CSR8675 programming guide w software and tons of CSR info

Thank you for that. I noticed you needed to use some sort of currency to buy the code to register an account in the first place but wasn't sure what kind of payment method it wanted. If you need virtual currency to download files that's even more of a headache.

I was lying in bed last night mulling this over, as you do, and it occurred to me that the ADK configuration tool thing is probably fairly agnostic to the chip you have connected. All it does is notice the registry keys present and then spool up a configuration selection based off of that. This is cool if there's firmware already present on the chip you are using but if there isn't you need the actual source code development tools in order to get something onto the chip.

It occcurred to me that even though you have the USB connected up that unless you have a battery connected the actual 'Vbat' power line isn't powered up and neither is the system boot pin. It's possible that even though the USB bridge to the chip was recognised that maybe the software on the chip hasn't been running. I was basing my thought that no firmware is on my chips because the LEDs aren't lighting up and no Bluetooth devices are being available for pairing either. I'm not sure what happens if no firmware is present but certainly the ADK wouldn't work.

The QC website indicates that the QCC302x suite would work for the 3040 but unless there's a 3040 specific sink app in the source code development it's not going to work I don't think. One fundamental difference is the 3040 has onboard flash memory as opposed to a separate chip so I'd have thought the difference in memory map would need to be taken into consideration. I'll have to look more into this. It's possible the 3040 wasn't being recognised by the DFU because the system wasn't booted but who knows. I'll keep things updated.

Hi, I have some experience with QCC3031\3034 chips, and they can be programmed without the 'Vbat' power line. By USB you have access to the memory directly and you don't need power on for that. In case when you configure EQ by QACT tool, you need power on the chip and stream some music by Bluetooth or by USB directly from your laptop\desktop.
By the way, I opened an additional topic about QCC chips: https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/dig...-qcc3034-qcc3031-programming.html#post6712887

And one more question from my side, Do somebody has the last version of QACT tool? I need QACT 8 version.
Okay thank you for that I'm wondering if something seems off with my 3040 boards. Windows device manager detects them, as you'd expect, with a bunch of Qualcomm combo digital architecture services present. So first step overcome. But the DFU program doesn't detect them, the ADK doesn't detect them and that program you provided to rename them, in the other thread, also doesn't auto detect anything and I can't select them from the drop-down box either (I'm guessing that's what it's for).

So now I'm left scratching my head a little.
First of all I didn't have Bluesuite installed as it didn't come with the links provided by Erik, not that this should have mattered, I don't think, for using the ADK.

With Bluesuite installed I can use BlueTest, with the USBdebug option, to detect the chip as the QCC3040 but it fails to get any kind of build ID. I'm guessing, as I thought, that there is no firmware currently loaded? That would make sense.

I hooked up a battery, just so I could power the LEDs more than anything, and can reset and reboot the device using PIO1 and the control pin. The LEDs do something basic but nothing that would indicate a program is on the chip. Still what it has pointed out is that as soon as you plug in the USB cable it boots the chip automatically so you do not need a battery connected to make anything happen in this case.
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Okay so after doing a little bit of digging and plugging I've found this.

1) If you plug a QCC3008 into the ADK configuration tool for the QCC512x/QCC302x/3x it recognises the module. You can play around with settings in the software but if you try to write the device it fails. So you do need the correct ADK for the correct chip. You can't just use a more recent version and expect it to work.

2) The QCC512x/QCC302x/3x ADK and Bluesuite stuff was, at the time, Qualcomm's top of the line stuff. QC released the QCC514x/QCC304x devices as newer parts and released another ADK meant for them.

3)If I can generate a firmware for a 32MB flash version of a QCC302x part I could try loading it onto the QCC3040 and see what happens :S
Have you seen this by the way (needs google translate)?

From what I can tell that's just a guide on how to use the development platform not an actual link to the platform.

This is the actual link to the software (I think) which is on 52Bluetooth.

qcc514x-qcc304x-src-1-0_qtil_standard_oem_earbud-r000265.1: qcc514x-qcc304x-src-1-0_qtil_standard_oem_earbud-r000265.1.part1.rar_qcc514x-qcc304x-src-1-0_qtil_standard_oem_earbud-r000265.1 - 我爱蓝牙网 - 52Bluetooth - 最具人气蓝牙技术交流网站 - Powered by Discuz!
qcc514x-qcc304x-src-1-0_qtil_standard_oem_earbud-r000265.1: qcc514x-qcc304x-src-1-0_qtil_standard_oem_earbud-r000265.1.part2.rar_qcc514x-qcc304x-src-1-0_qtil_standard_oem_earbud-r000265.1 - 我爱蓝牙网 - 52Bluetooth - 最具人气蓝牙技术交流网站 - Powered by Discuz!

I have requested some firmware for the 3040 from various vendors of the module I've got so I'll see where that goes. I've also applied to Qualcomm to see if I can get access. I'm not holding my breath on that one though.
I managed to log in using my old account and checked out your links. They apparently need 20 of whatever BluetoothCoin currency they're using : (

Even if you have the coins download seems to be restricted to some kind of premium account :Ouch:

Sorry I couldn't be much help. There's probably better chances of finding this in a sketchy warez site than figuring out how to download it from that forum
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I'm guessing that's not much of a surprise but thank you for checking anyway.

On the 52bluetooth website there were 3-4 different, and older, versions of the adk. It's making me wonder if the older versions have the same price attached to them. Maybe it's only the newest that costs currency.

I have emailed a bunch of companies that sell the 3040 module and asked if they've got any firmware for it and one of them has replied and gave me this link...

QCC3040 earbud 测试固件 - Qualcomm(CSR)专区 - 我爱蓝牙网 - 52Bluetooth - 最具人气蓝牙技术交流网站 - Powered by Discuz!

I rolled my eyes given where it's located. But it seems that is a test firmware for the QCC3040. Would you be able to see if you can download that one? If it's free that could solve everything.

Thanks in advance.
Here you go
It's a rar file with a xuv file inside
3040.rar - Google Drive
Interestingly this costs a coin as well, but I happened to have 1 left
I guess they gave me a couple free coins when I had joined and I forgot about them
So you're welcome :cool:

Let me know if the link doesn't work

Thank you very much!

Fingers crossed that this works and if it does it will hopefully allow anyone to use the QCC3040.
Okay so it works to the extent that the device now boots and presumably has a bunch of different PIO config stuff to get it to pair, TWS pair, and other audio controls. I don't know what any of those settings might be so currently it's a slightly more useful brick than it was before.

I was hoping that with some firmware loaded that the ADK configurator thing would pick it up and allow me to configure stuff. No such luck.

Question. Do the ADK configurator tools detect devices when connected via USB? To anyone who's worked with the QCC303x, and the ADK provided by Erik, can they confirm or not? I was wondering if you needed the SPI tool for the configurators to work and if going with USB you're limited to the hard way of needing to sort out your own source code.

My end goal here would be to interface the QCC3040 with an I2S, I2C controlled class D amplifier. Now I've done this with the QCC3008 I figured this was going to be relatively easy but easier said than done! Maybe it's a case of the 3008 has been out for ages and the software is well developed but with the newer chips that's not quite the case.

I figure I should add that when the QCC3040 firmware first turns on it is discoverable but rejects both my smartphone and tablet whenever I try to connect to it. I've tried pulling every single PIO high and low to see if any of the LEDs flash and get nothing from that either.

If these are an earbud design they would possibly be buttonless or maybe have a single button that controls everything.
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Okay so more on this.

If this basic firmware really is the one that Qualcomm have released (and there's no reason to believe it's not) then when two QCC3040 modules are powered on they go into some kind of pairing mode, not for pairing with a device, but for pairing with each other.

If the guide you linked to, mahaju, the one in Chinese, is anything to go by you need to do some sort of pairing sequence, with two modules connected to the PC at the same time, via a script in Python. Once they are paired they will automatically try and be discoverable for a phone/tablet to connect to. The Python script requires the ADK for the 514x/304x chips.

Why on earth they couldn't just configure a PIO to do the pairing too I don't know. Just in case you can't get the Python thing to work >.<
I don't know about QCC but any of the CSR versions that came before this couldn't be programmed from USB. There is no "USB programmer" circuit built into those chips and I don't think you can make your own firmware to do that either. I don't know if they added any USB programmer circuit in chip starting from the QCC series, I haven't used them

The Chinese tutorial I linked to says it needs "Debugger Adapter: TRBI200 or USB" so I guess they have? May be just this default firmware doesn't support it.

This page seems to have links to a bunch of tutorials. I haven't checked them out but it looks like you need to register to that website to actually view them. Whether that's free or not I'm not sure.

I suggest you use google translate and an ad blocker.
Yeah I'm going to try registering later on and see if you can access all the tutorials. Let's hope it's free. I mean I don't mind paying a small amount for access so long as it's easy, and secure, to pay.

I know that the previous products didn't contain a way to connect via USB and that this was a change Qualcomm baked into the newer chips. A nice feature if you ask me.

I was just wondering if the configuration tool, designed for the QCC3031, worked via the USB connection or does it need the expensive SPI programmer to work.

I have requested access to the relevant stuff on the QC website. Hopefully, fingers crossed, :D
Hello guys,
I am pretty new to the whole Bluetooth module topic, so I have some questions regarding the configuration of the modules.
Basically I am building two separate portable speakers, which should be able to play together using TWS/multi room functionality. Each of those speakers have two amplifiers with 4 speakers connected to them. To make the crossover, I have an DSP board (ADAU1452).
The basic configuration is:
Bluetooth Module —I2S-> ADAU1452 —I2S-> PCM5102A—> amplifier —> speakers

I tried to connect the CSR64215 which was not possible, since it operates with 1.8V output. I ordered some logic level shifters to be able to interface it to the ADAU but I also read in this thread that the quality of the TWS is not ideal. Another Bluetooth module I tried is the QCC5125 from AliExpress, but I was not able to get TWS running since it cannot be programmed with the SPI programmer…
Now I am looking for a board which is able to output data with I2S, ability of Working TWS and possible programming (to change name). Do you have any suggestions for this?
I read about the tinysine boards with the CSR8675 chips but there were no options with the configuration I need. Is it possible to reconfigure them for I2S output and TWS/multi room?
I also have to possibility to make PCBs, so I could also use the basic modules if that would help.
Thank you very much!
You can use qcc5125, however, qcc5144 (available on aliexpress as well) will be better as it's firmware is much newer.

You will need Qualcomm account, 3000$, some company (Qualcomm only works with companies). There is another way: download all necessary things from something like 52bluetooth (use google translate, you can obtain registration code via red "Get invitation code" text).
Thank you very much for your quick replys,
my initial thought, why I wanted to use the QCC5125 was that the aliexpress version has an external Antenna and I didn't want to do a PCB in the beginning. I had concerns regarding the PCB antennas because I want at least 10m range. Do you guys have any experience regarding the APTX is fine for me, so I think I will look at the QCC3008 first.
My Idea would be to use the Tinysine QCC3008 board which has an PCB antenna included. If the range won't be enough, I would add an external antenna connector to the PCB I will be making. Do you know if it is possible to just add an external antenna parallel to the on-board antenna?
Also I wanted to ask if anyone has experience with the QCC3008. I heard, that it has a similar PCB as the CSRA65215, which only outputs 1.8V I2S signals. Is it the same for the chinese QCC3008 boards?