DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

@flak monkey nicely built PSU 😉
I2S selector is not updated, you need to follow the errata 😁 ... I am looking forward to see the progress with your purple setup 🤩
Thanks! Getting on OK so far with assembly. That WM8804 is a fun soldering job! Other than that, so far so simple....

Just waiting for the last few bits (3.3V regulators, 3.3v optical input) that were out of stock at Mouser and the AD1862 chips to arrive - then I should be able to run some preliminary testing.

Built DAC.jpg

Build I2S Converter.jpg

Build I2S Converter back.jpg
Joined 2007
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Hey fellow travelers,
Regarding PSU 1:
Can I use a smaller led (LTL—4231N) at LD 1-4 locations? If so, are there any changes to the resistors at R7-10? I just don’t want those led’s to be too bright.
Hey fellow travelers,
Regarding PSU 1:
Can I use a smaller led (LTL—4231N) at LD 1-4 locations? If so, are there any changes to the resistors at R7-10? I just don’t want those led’s to be too bright.
Making progress,
Nothing soldered, just a mock up.
psu1 , psu2 and dac with jlsounds. Psu1 one is complete. Psu2, can a 2k trimmer be used at TR1? I thought it was 5k.
And is there a need for heatsinks on the regulators?
Still waiting on parts.
Are pictures ok?


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Finished my boards off, checked voltages and installed the DAC and op amp chips. All good. Thought I would try getting it to work with the I2S signal hacked off a Raspberry Pi 3b GPIO header but doesn't seem to work. I guess it's the Pi set up rather than the DAC. I am getting signals out of the PI and into the DAC, and am getting some junk signals out, but nothing sensible/audible - but can be seen on the scope.

Using Ropieee set to "Raspberry Pi DAC (I2S)" and can see it as an end point in Roon.

I am guessing the I2S signal straight off the GPIO header is junk? Either that or I have messed something up on the DAC board.
Finished my boards off, checked voltages and installed the DAC and op amp chips. All good. Thought I would try getting it to work with the I2S signal hacked off a Raspberry Pi 3b GPIO header but doesn't seem to work. I guess it's the Pi set up rather than the DAC. I am getting signals out of the PI and into the DAC, and am getting some junk signals out, but nothing sensible/audible - but can be seen on the scope.

Using Ropieee set to "Raspberry Pi DAC (I2S)" and can see it as an end point in Roon.

I am guessing the I2S signal straight off the GPIO header is junk? Either that or I have messed something up on the DAC board.
Dont use rpi i2s :) get some rpi hats with reclocker or use usb and one of usb to i2s boards.
Yes, and if the reclocking has an isolated clean side with galvanic isolation towards the dac front end then do not forget to have a clean reg for the clock. If a reg has to be better that is here.
For now I've ordered a SPDIF hat for the Pi that I know works with Ropieee and Roon - and will then put that back into the DAC via the SPDIF-I2S board. Far from ideal, but hopeful that it will work for the time being until I figure out a better way. While I'm all good with analogue DIY, this digital stuff is new to me so I'm figuring it out as I go with you guy help.

This is the hat I've ordered;
Hi guys! It's a funny question but I see there a few different version of the Miro's Dac. I mean a different soldering and details but it's not complete as for list of components (first page). So what parts do I need to buy? I already looking of farnell and mouser and there are no necessary parts (resistors, film capasitors).
I haven't ordered yet - still looking.
Hi guys! It's a funny question but I see there a few different version of the Miro's Dac. I mean a different soldering and details but it's not complete as for list of components (first page). So what parts do I need to buy? I already looking of farnell and mouser and there are no necessary parts (resistors, film capasitors).
I haven't ordered yet - still looking.
The BOM for the DAC is on the first post and everything else including links to the relevant posts with files etc for PCB's are in the external link here:

For now I've ordered a SPDIF hat for the Pi that I know works with Ropieee and Roon - and will then put that back into the DAC via the SPDIF-I2S board. Far from ideal, but hopeful that it will work for the time being until I figure out a better way. While I'm all good with analogue DIY, this digital stuff is new to me so I'm figuring it out as I go with you guy help.

This is the hat I've ordered;
It is a way to do it but it could have been simplier to stay full I2S from the Rpi to the dac board trough an Allo Kali hat or IanCanada Rpi clock hat.
Anyway the spidf will be ok but as you pointed out needs a spidf receiver on the dac board side so a pcb more.
It is a way to do it but it could have been simplier to stay full I2S from the Rpi to the dac board trough an Allo Kali hat or IanCanada Rpi clock hat.
Anyway the spidf will be ok but as you pointed out needs a spidf receiver on the dac board side so a pcb more.
Good to hear it should work. I looked at pure clock hats but they were extremely expensive and they don't appear to be supported by Ropieee, which is important as I need the resulting Pi to be a Roon end point. There might be a way around this, but I didn't want to end up with something that doesnt work. I'll send the Ropieee developers a message and see if it can support.

If I can get this DAC working for now just to try it out then I'll be happy.